Chapter 10

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Friday December 19th-Wayne Manor
The Manor was busier then usual in preparation for the gala that night, Bruce had hired extra staff and gave Alfred the night off to enjoy himself, but instead of relaxing he is watching the staffs every move so it's perfect for tonight. Bruce was sitting in his study when a knock came in his door "Come in" he called out, Dick entered the room

"Bruce have you seen the news today, GCN is reporting that your throwing this Gala because Damian has returned. Do you want me to do anything about this" Dick asked almost afraid Bruce would throw something at him for mentioning Damian, but he didn't he just calmly replied

"Let them think what they want, we are throwing this party to bring people together whether Damian is here or not" and with that Dick exited the room leaving Bruce to his thoughts.

Kent residence 17:45
"Jonathan, Damian are you ready we don't want to be late" Lois called up the stairs

Jon walked down the stairs in a white suit white a black shirt and white bow tie

"Oh, Honey you look so handsome, do you have your mask?" Lois said to her son as he walked down

"Thanks Mom, and yes I do" he replied

"And where is Damian" she asked not seeing him

"I'm here Ms.Kent" he said tapping her on the shoulder startling her

"Damian, what have I said about doing that" she said still getting over the shock

He responded almost mockingly "We don't sneak up on people in this house"

Jon and Clark started laughing at the statement earning glares from Lois. Damian was wearing the complete opposite to Jon, he was wearing a Black suit with a white shirt and black tie.

"You look amazing Dami" Jon said staring at his boyfriend

"Stop drooling, you'll ruin your suit" Damian said laughing at Jon who was looking slightly upset

"You look fantastic aswell beloved" earning a smile and kiss from Jon. The family and Damian left after taking a few pictures.

Wayne Manor 19:00
"Ah, Clark, Lois and master Jonathan how good it is to see you, and who is this young fellow" Alfred greeted

"I am a friend of Jon's from school, Thomas" Damian greeted

"Pleasure to meet you, now if you would kindly make your way to the ball room, Master Bruce is waiting for you all" Alfred said pointing down the hall

As they walked Jon turned to Damian "Why didn't you tell him"

"I want them all to find out at the same time" Damian responded

"How are you going to do it?" Jon asked intrigued

"I might get up make a heart warming speech and take the mask off" Damian said they all stopped talking as the entered the hall.

Jon and Damian separated from Clark and Lois and made there way to where Cassie was sitting with Kon and M'gann M'orzz (Or Megan).

"Hi Jon, who's this" Kon and Megan asked in unison

"This is my friend, Thomas" Jon responded

Damian left to get drinks for himself and Jon

"I can't read his mind" Megan said

"and I can't see through his mask" Kon followed

"I don't know what that's about, he doesn't know about our secret lives" Jon said both him and Cassie knowing he was lying to them

After an hour Bruce made a speech thanking everyone for coming and saying he hopes to hold more of these Galas in the future and he was sorry for not holding one over the past three years, Damian saw this as his chance but he was interrupted by glass smashing and assassins jumping through, Talia following suit she walked up to Bruce and held her sword to his neck. Damian got up causing people to look as he started running towards Talia as he got closer she spun around striking the sword at him but he jumped over it landing on the ground knocking the sword out of her hands.

"Who are you, no normal person can do that" she said with a look of disgust

"Your gonna have to fight me to find out" Damian replied with a smirk, his face still covered by the mask

While Talia and the assassins were distracted the other hereos started getting people out, the Batfamily had made their way to the Batcave to suit up, and they all came back up through the windows like the assassins did

"Young man, get out of here we will take these assassins" Batman said

"I know you can but I can do it better and quicker" Damian replied

Damian proceeded to take out 20 of the assassins by himself with the the Batfamily taking down the other 15 leaving Talia standing there alone

"Why are you here Talia" Bruce asked

"To avenge and find out what you did with Damian" she responded reaching for a dagger for a masked Damian to kick it out of her hand

"He did nothing to your son I can assure you of that much" Damian said

"What do you know of Damian, your just the super brats friend" Talia spat

Jon flew into the room "he's much more then that, aren't you buddy" Jon said smiling a toothy grin

"I know a lot more then you think mother, father I am home" Damian said taking the mask of.

Dick instantly ran up to his brother and gave him a tight hug, "Grayson unhand me only one person gets to touch me and it's not you" Damian said looking at Dick

"I'm never letting go again Damian" Dick said sobbing

"Your pathetic Dick you really are" Jason chimed in with Tim and Stephanie laughing

"Damian's where have you been" Bruce and Talia asked

"I've been all around the world and have been staying with the Kents since November" Damian responded

"Did I miss all the fun" Selina asked entering the room, her eyes widened seeing Damian

"Father what is the cat doing here" Damian asked

"I invited her but that's beside the point you've been back since November but your only showing up now why" Bruce asked upset his son hadn't come home earlier

"I wasn't ready to but I'm here now" and with that Bruce dropped Talia and picked Damian up into a hug "Don't ever leave like that again" he said crying.

As Bruce left to bring Talia to the GCPD Damian said "I have one more thing to announce to you all before you all leave, myself and Jonathan have started dating"

Jon went red in the face, while Selina and Dick turned to Bruce saying "You owe us $20 we called it"

"You guys took bets on whether we'd start dating, pathetic" Damian sighed

"When did you guys place this bet" Jon chimed in looking at Dick, who responded

"When you first started working together, there was some sort of spark and I just knew it" Dick responded

Alfred had not yet seen Damian nor did he know he was back so when he heard "Pennyworth" from behind him he thought he was hearing things but he turned to see Damian

"Master Damian, thank god your alright, shall I prepare your room for you" he asked overjoyed that Damian was back

"Yes Pennyworth you may, and if you need a hand just ask" Damian said giving his grandfather figure a hug.

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