Chapter 49

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June 15th 2021 09:45am
Jon was lying in bed watching TV while Damian was in the shower when the doorbell rang, Jon didn't particularly want to get up but he did and he made his way to the door

"Cassie, why are you here this early" Jon asked

"Because it's been a week since you and Damian have been into the Tower and I wanted to hang with my besties" Cassie replied

"Okay well come on in, Dami is in the shower" Jon said

"I don't want to pry but I need to know have you guys you know done it" Cassie asked

"What why would you ask that it's private" Jon said

"So you have" Cassie said

"No we haven't" Jon said

"Then what do you do" Cassie asked

"Cuddle and eat and sleep" Jon said

"That's mundane" Cassie said

"No it's cute and we're adorable and you know it" Damian said another room

"How long have you been listening" Cassie asked

"Long enough" Damian said

"Dami do you want to make breakfast or will I" Jon asked

"Well we could do it together and Cassie could come into the kitchen and talk while we cook" Damian said

"Sounds like a plan" Cassie said

"Let's go then" Damian said

Jon and Damian started preparing their breakfast as well as something for Cassie as they didn't want to appear as rude

"Cassie I want you to be honest, why are you actually here" Damian asked

"Bruce didn't want you to know but this found in the door of Titans Tower" Cassie said handing him a sword

"Dami what is it" Jon asked

"A calling to come home" Damian replied

"Your dad is holding a meeting in the cave tonight with the rest of your family and some of the young justice team and he doesn't want you to know anything about it so I thought maybe you could crash it" Cassie said

"Why would I do that, I'm on bedrest" Damian asked

"You've gotten soft in your old age" Cassie mocked

"Have not" Damian said

"Then help us take on the League of Shadows , your father knows that you know that place inside out and that you can defeat your mother and help weaken your grandfather so why not" Cassie said

"Dami we could all try our new suits and bring them for a spin" Jon said

"Fine, now Cassie eat your food and leave we don't want them thinking your bringing us" Damian said

"Yeah, the troublesome trio back at it" Cassie said

"I forgot we called ourselves that" Jon laughed

"I was hoping we had all forgotten" Damian said

They all sat down and talked while eating until Cassie left, then Damian and Jon trained and watched a movie before leaving

The Batcave 17:55pm
Batman was standing in front of everyone giving the briefing while Jon and Damian sat in the rafters Cassie didn't even know if they had arrived or not

"Does everyone understand" Bruce said

"Yeah but I don't get why Dami isn't here" Dick said

"Myself and Tim don't like the brat but he is from there he knows the place" Jason said

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