Chapter 8

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December 8th 02:00am- The Batcave
Bruce was sitting at the BatComputer monitoring all league movements to see if this war was coming or not, he felt something was off about that night but he couldn't place his finger on it. His thoughts were interrupted by Dick and Tim entering the Batcave on their motorcycles.

"Hey, Bruce" Dick called out

Not gaining a response from the Bat, he wasn't the most talkative but he had gotten worse after his son disappeared and he had not told any of the Batfamily about Damian and Jon's kiss three years prior.

Tim walked up to Bruce slowly as if trying to not wake a sleeping lion or bear

"Bruce, we have something to report and we think you'll find it interesting" Tim said to his mentor and teacher

Bruce looked up at the boy standing next to him "Well then, what is it" he asked

Dick chimed in "We saw Jon today much happier as if he was 10 or 15 again and Cassie was with him", Tim continued "But they were mid conversation and Cassie looked angry and Jon blocked her mouth as we walked pass, those two are hiding something"

Bruce turned back to the screen "Get Alfred to invite both Cassie and the Kents to the Wayne Christmas Gala next Friday and we will question them further"

Dicks eyes went wide "You mean the gala is happening this year, no more postponing" he said with a joyous expression

"Yes indeed we are Master Dick, for the benefit of the family no more hiding in the dark" Alfred said coming down the stairs.

After about 30 minutes Bruce was left alone in his cave with the occasional screeching of Bats, until he heard footsteps behind he turned around to see the one person he blamed for his sons disappearance Talia

"Are you not happy to see me beloved" she asked with a flirtatious glint in her eyes

"Where is Damian what have you done with him and why have you declared war on Gotham" he said with fury

"That's why I'm here actually I have not declared war on this dump yet and two where is my son I have not heard from him or seen anything about him in over three years, what have you done" she replied

Both of Damian's parents stood there staring into each other's eyes, Talia turned to leave

"If you hear anything or see him, let him know his mother misses him" she said Bruce just stood there not knowing what to do.

After Talia had left he sat back in his chair feeling defeated, he has now failed two of his children, first Jason who he got back and now his own son who Bruce knew would only be found if he wanted to be found.

7:00-Wayne Enterprises
Bruce sat at his desk, not knowing what to do because at this point his company ran itself there were no board meetings or anything until the next year so he sat there looking at the pictures he had taken with his kids without them knowing, and he knew this because they weren't fake smiling or anything they were taken while having fun. The first picture was of him and Dick 2 months after Dicks parents died he had built trapeze ropes into the Manors gym and him and Dick were practicing and Alfred had taken a picture, the second was taken during a competition between him and Jason trying to see who could take a tire off a car the fastest and it was the only picture he had of Jason smiling, the third was of Tim after getting all A+'s in his exams and Bruce going for ice cream with him and last picture was of him and Damian he started to tear up while looking at a picture Alfred had taken of them bonding a few months after Damian arrived in Gotham. His thoughts were interrupted by Lucius

"Mr.Wayne, you are needed downstairs a Ms.Kyle was caught trying to enter the vault" Lucius said

Bruce looked up "Have her escorted up here, it's been a while since Selinas been in town" and with that Lucius left.

"Heya handsome" Selina said winking at Bruce

"You can leave us now" he said do the guards with Selina

"What brings you by Selina" Bruce said pointing to the seat in front of his desk

"Well I heard through the grape vine someone was throwing a party, and I was looking for an invitation" she said

"Well then here you go" Bruce said handing one to Selina

"Is that all" he asked

"No, I also wanted to check up on you I heard you've gone back to your more barbaric ways, is everything alright" she asked with worry in her eyes

"Why do you care Selina, you left aswell, without saying a word and you come back now to check up even though you left because I got angrier" Bruce boomed

"Selina, I'm sorry it's just I miss my son" he said almost crying

"I'm staying in town for a few days, if you ever need help or someone to talk to I'm here" she said comforting Bruce.

"You should come by later, Alfred is doing a family dinner and there is always room for more" Bruce asked

"I'll be there, see you later Brucie" Selina waved leaving the room

Bruce quick dialled Alfred "Yes Master Bruce, how can I be of service" he asked in his monotone voice

"Set an extra space for dinner we are having a guest over" Bruce responded

"May I be so devious to ask who this guest shall be" Alfred asked

"Selina Kyle" Bruce replied

"Ahh Miss.Kyle how delightful" Alfred said hanging up the phone.

Wayne Manor-19:30
The door bell rang "I'll get it" Dick said back flipping over the couch

"Selina.. em what are you doing her?" he asked puzzled

"Bruce invited me over for dinner" she responded walking past Dick.

"Hello Alfred, long time no see, the food smells great" she said walking into the kitchen as if she never moved out

"Miss.Kyle how wonderful to see you, at least someone here appreciates my food" he responded, earning a response from the three boys

"We'd appreciate it more if you stopped cooking vegan food" Tim said with Jason continuing "The vegan one is gone, we are all carnivores remember"

Earning a smack on the head from Dick for mentioning Damian. "I take it Bruce won't let them speak his name still" Selina asked Alfred

"You assume right, it's a shame though I really do miss the little monster" he replied

"I have no one to help me cook anymore, he always used to help without the others knowing" Alfred responded with pain in his voice.

The six of them sat down for dinner, they were having a multitude of conversation until Selina asked "Who is everyone bringing to the Gala"

Dick replied saying "Kori hopefully"

"Artemis if she agrees" Jason followed and everyone then turned to Tim

"I'm hoping to ask Stephanie but I don't know she'd like to go so I don't know" Tim stated and Bruce followed Tim by asking "Selina, would you accompany me to the Gala"

To which she replied "Obviously I will"

They spent the rest of the night laughing and as Alfred was cleaning up he thought to himself "This is the first time in three years they have been this way hopefully things start to change for the better".

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