Chapter 73

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August 22nd 12:00
Damian had just left for Dick and Kori's house while Jon waited for Cassie to come down the stairs

"Okay, ready to go" Cassie said

"Yeah, what are we doing" Jon asked

"You will see" Cassie said

"Okay then let's go" Jon said

Jon got in the passenger seat of Cassie's car as she began to drive, they drove for half an hour into the centre of Metropolis singing along to songs in the car

"Okay what are we doing" Jon asked

"We are just chilling and hanging together" Cassie said

"So you don't actually have a plan" Jon said

"Do I ever" Cassie said

"No you don't" Jon said

"I was thinking we might go do a bit of shopping, see a movie and go for lunch before meeting with Damian" Cassie said

"That sounds like a plan" Jon said

Big Belly Burger 17:00
Jon and Cassie had planned to meet with Damian at five o clock but he hadn't arrived and they were giving him the benefit of the doubt

"This isn't like him he's always punctual" Jon said

"Then ring him" Cassie said

Jon rang but there was no answer, he a few more times rang and sent a few messages but no response

"He's not responding, something is wrong" Jon said

"Where was he last" Cassie asked

"Wayne Manor" Jon said

"Then let's get going" Cassie said

They ran to Cassie's car and drive to the Manor, Jon used his x-ray vision on the house but saw no one but he saw Bruce in the cave

"Bruce is in the cave" Jon said

They flew into the cave

"Bruce where is Damian he was supposed to meet us" Cassie said

"He's left, he stole my batwing" Bruce said

"Why what happened and where is he" Jon asked

"Talia was murdered and I can only presume he went to Ra's cause he's in Nada Parbat" Bruce said

With that said Jon took off

"Should I follow" Cassie asked

"No, your Damian's friend but Jon is the one he needs right now, if I had the option I wouldn't go either and I wouldn't let Dick either Jon is the only one who can comfort him right now" Bruce said

"I understand" Cassie replied

The Compound 18:55
Jon flew at his top speed and arrived at the compound in Nada Parbat he saw the batwing and then he looked for Damian and he saw him in the courtyard with his grandfather beside his

Mothers body in the middle of a ceremony so he thought best not to interrupt so he went and sat in the Batwing as soon as the ceremony was over he hit off the batwings horn accidentally gaining attention

"Who is on the batwing" Ra's asked

"I didn't bring anyone with me, I'll go check it out" Damian said

"No don't send two men, you have been through a lot. I know your mother could be cruel to us both at times but she was family" Ra's said

"I need to go for a walk so I'll check it" Damian said

"Fine I'll be waiting for you to say goodbye before you leave and pleases stay for food I can't let you go on an empty stomach" Ra's said

Damian then realised he had completely forgotten about Jon and Cassie

"I'll be back in a bit" Damian said walking away

He arrived to the Batwing, the door was locked so whoever was inside either has a key or locked the door behind them, Damian enter cautiously until he saw Jon sitting there

"Hi Dami" Jon said

"Beloved I'm sorry, I left without saying anything" Damian started to get teary eyed

"Dami, I'm not mad but come here, you shouldn't have come alone and if you don't want to talk about it we don't have to I'll just stand here as long as you need" Jon said embracing him

"Thank you beloved" Damian said crying into his shoulder

Although they had been together for nearly ten years at this stage, Jon had never seen Damian cry like this or at all to be honest so he was unsure of how to handle it but this felt like the right way to do it

"Would you like to go in for food" Damian asked

"Only if I'm not imposing" Jon said

"Grandfather likes you, I'm sure he won't be mad" Damian said

Damian and Jon walked hand in hand back to the dining area of the compound where Ra's was sitting in his seat meditating. Damian and Jon just sat down not making a sound in fear of bothering him

"Mister Kent, how nice of you to join us" Ra's said

"It's nice to be back, and I'm sorry for your loss" Jon said

"Thank you, I hear you two are to be married" Ra's said

"Yea we haven't picked a date yet but we are hoping to be married this year" Damian said

"Your invited if you want to come" Jon said

"I would love to attend, and I'm sure your mother would have been too Damian, she'd never tell this to you Damian, but she beyond proud of you and the path you chose to take, she would have liked you back here but you went and became your own" Ra's said

After that the conversation continued, as they ate. Ra's offered to let them stay the night but Damian refused insisting that they return home. On the flight back to the cave Jon made Damian get some sleep while he contacted Bruce letting them know they were on their way

The Batcave August 23rd 02:00am
Jon had put the Batwing in stealth mode as to not wake sleeping people and landed gently as to not wake Damian he got off where Bruce, Dick and Cassie were waiting

"How is he" Dick asked

"Not good" Jon said

"In terms of Damian what form of not good" Cassie asked

"Do you know how we have never seen him cry, well he completely broke down and I actually got him to go to sleep, so bad" Jon said

"I'll wait for him to get up the rest of you get some rest" Bruce said

They all left Bruce as he boarded the Batwing and sat in the chair as he watched his son sleep, there was a peace in the air at that moment not one you would normally feel with this family but there was peace

"Father, where's Jon" Damian asked

"Gone to rest as I ordered" Bruce said

"I'll follow them" Damian said

"No you won't not yet" Bruce said

"Why not" Damian asked

"Because I want to make sure your okay, I don't want any secrets or false truths I want the truth, how are you" Bruce asked

"I'm okay now after calming down but I'm upset and sad, I never thought she'd actually die" Damian said

"Neither did I, but I need you to remember one thing before you go, Justice Not Vengeance" Bruce said

"I know father Justice Not Vengeance, Goodnight" Damian said

"Goodnight son" Bruce said

Damian went off to join Jon in bed with one thing on his mind to stop him from giving in to his anger, he's getting married to his best friend and the purest person in the world and that's what will keep him going because without Jon in his life he doesn't know what he would do.

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