Chapter 17

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Wayne Manor February 6th 2021
Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, Barbara and Cass had all returned from where they came but Damian decided he would stay with Alfred and his father for the time being, Jon would stay in both the Tower and the Manor from week to week to keep up with training and spend time with Damian.

Bruce had woken up but hadn't said anything because of the sleeping boy beside him, out of all his children he would have thought Dick would have been the one there to see him wake, it's not that he didn't think the others wouldn't have been there it's just Dick was the caring one. Bruce spotted the tear markings on Damian's face, his thought process was interrupted when Alfred opened the door.

"Good heavens Master Bruce, your awake" Alfred exclaimed

Bruce raised his hand and held his finger to his lip pointing at Damian but it was too late Damian had started to stir from his sleep.

"Father, your awake" he exclaimed hugging his father

"I'm sorry but what have you done with Damian Wayne, he doesn't usually show affection" Bruce laughed earning a glare from Damian

"If you don't appreciate it I know someone who will" he said crossing his arms

"How long have I been out" Bruce questioned

"It's been three days sir, according to Miss Kyle who graciously took you and Mistress Kate under her care" Alfred responded

Bruce tried to get up but felt a horrendous pain and fell back in the bed.

"I don't think Batman will be in action anytime soon" he laughed

"If you want I can stick around and protect Gotham while you recover and I won't be alone" Damian said

"What a wonderful idea Master Damian I'll prepare a room for young Master Jonathan" Alfred said

"Al, they are dating no need to prepare a second room" Bruce exclaimed

"Ah yes, I'll go make some tea instead" Alfred said exiting the room.

Batcave 12:00
Damian sat at the batcomputer trying to contact his siblings to let them know Bruce was okay, but none of them would pick up he brushed it off as them being busy. He went back to planning his patrol routes for the next week and a bit he also installed Barbara's simulation into the Batcave training programme. His attention was disrupted by the elevator and Alfred getting off it.

"Hello Pennyworth" Damian said waving and going back to what he was doing

"Master Damian may I trouble you for a moment" Alfred asked

"Ask away" Damian replied

"It's about your father he can't go on being Batman forever and I'd say his time in that suit is almost up, I was wondering if you would talk to him" Alfred stated

"I understand your worry but you know I won't get through to him and even if I tried he wouldn't listen and we need Batman right now more then ever, has he told you what's coming" Damian said

"Told me about what" Alfred asked

"There seems to be an invasion on its way, I'd say we leave him be Batman until afterwards then we talk to him about hanging up the cow after that okay Pennyworth" Damian answered

"Yes completely understand and I wish to inform you Master Jonathan called he is on his way he said he would meet you upstairs" Alfred said going back to the elevator.

Gotham City Narrows
Gotham city wasn't the most pleasant of places even in its best times, but the Narrows was the worst of the worst and on this day it was host to some of the most evil people in the city and from beyond the city limits. Tonight it was Gothams turn to host the monthly gathering of the Legion of Doom the roster was quite extensive but they had been planning this meeting for a while and were banking on Joker taking Batman out of action.

"Lexy it's so good to see your bald head" the Joker laughed gaining a giggle from Harley

"This is no time for games we have been given direct orders" Lex said

"Who exactly gave the order" Talia asked

"Yeah who" Cheetah joined in

"I don't know I was given the task all he said was his master will wipe our heroes from existence if we help him locate what he needs" Lex replied with a hint of anger

"So what are we looking for Alexander" Reverse Flash asked

"Something called a mother box it holds the answer to the anti-life equation among other things" Lex replied

"Where do we begin" Bane asked

"With Cyborg, apparently this box created him so he must have a connection to it" Lex replied

"Hahahahahaha, you want us to kidnap old tin can" Joker laughed

"Well yes while the other league members are distracted" Lex said starting to gear up motioning for the other to do the same.

"I'm out, I don't want to be around when the Bat comes out to play" Talia said

"The Bat ain't coming we took care off that bozo isn't that right Mistah J" Harley said

"I'm not talking about that Bat I'm talking about who might replace him when he is out of action" Talia said

"Miss Al-Ghül you can't walk away from this fight so gear up and plus what's Robin going to do, call Batman to change his diaper" Lex said laughing at his own joke but no one else did

"Lexy leave the jokes to me and Harls" Joker said.

Back at Wayne Manor
"Jon it's starting" Damian called out

"Can you pause it I'm having trouble carrying all the food upstairs" he said

Damian got up to help him carry their food, so they could spend the night watching TV and movies together, neither of them particularly to go on patrol so they took the night off with Bruce's permission.

"So what movie did you pick Dami" Jon asked

"Something called Star Wars EP.I The phantom menace" Damian replied

"OMG your watching Star Wars how why" Jon exclaimed

"I probably shouldn't have but I went snooping and it the whole Star Wars franchise was on your list of things Damian needs to experience before I marry him along with a few other things" Damian replied smirking

Jon's face was as red as a tomato Damian was not supposed to see that in fact he thought he had destroyed the list but he couldn't remember if he destroyed the copy Jon didn't know what to say he was left embarrassed and in awe that Damian was doing something he suggested in a way.

"It's okay beloved, don't feel embarrassed I will do everything you have written on that list except pretend to like my brothers, you know I like them but they can't know that" Damian said leaning in to kiss Jon.

The boys spent of the rest of the night watching Star Wars episodes I-IV, Jon and Damian were both finally alone and happy. Jon because Damian was looking at things he was interested in and Damian because he was making Jon happy and he was kind of enjoying himself.

Somewhere in Space
"Have we made contact with the Earths villains" the mysterious figure questioned

"Yes my lord they are searching for our prize as we speak" the other figure replied

Their conversation didn't continue any longer but their journey to Earth was going ahead and their plans far worse then anyone can comprehend.

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