Chapter 36

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Metropolis 01:00am December 24th
Both boys were standing on the rooftop opposite the LexCorp Tower which all Damian could think was Wayne Enterprises has 25 more floors then this, they had been there for half an hour watching the security patrols trying to figure out when to make their move.

"You ready beloved" Damian asked

"Yeah, but I still think we should tell someone we're doing this" Jon said

"You seemed fine back at the Manor why the sudden change of heart" Damian said

"I dunno, something seems off, don't you feel it" Jon replied

"No, that's just nerves now come on" Damian said grappling away

They entered through a service door on the roof of the building and made there way to Lex'a office on the top floor where they went searching through filing cabinets.

"Found it" Damian exclaimed

"What is it" Jon asked

"Look there" Damian said pointing at the sheet

"Okay, Tate industries made a large investment in Luthors campaign so what" Jon said

"So what, Miranda Tate is one of my mothers many aliases" Damian said

"Oh so this is what we were looking for so we can go now" Jon said

"If you really want to yes we can go" Damian exclaimed

"Go where" a voice asked

"Who's there" Damian said

"Oh it's only me good old Lex Luthor calling from my mansion you tripped my security system so I just had to check" Lex said

"Well we're leaving" Damian said

"I don't think so" Luthor replied

Seconds later LexCorp tower was nothing but rubble on the ground, Superman rushed to the scene where he found his son unconscious under the rubble he brought him to a nearby roof.

"Hey Champ, what happened and why were you here" Clark asked

"Me and Damian were following a lead where is he and where's the tower" Jon asked with worry

"I'm sure Damian is here somewhere don't worry" Clark said

They searched through the night but there was no sign of the boy wonder anywhere at 06:00 they headed to Wayne Manor to inform Bruce, they headed to the Batcave but Damian wasn't appearing anywhere on the world map he was gone.

"I'm paying Luthor a visit after you tell me exactly what you guys found" Bruce said to Jon

"We found a document stating that a large investment from Tate industries was made into Luthors campaign and Damian said Miranda Tate is one of his mothers aliases and then Lex blew the tower up to stop us from leaving" Jon said

"Maybe this was some extravagant way of running away, I thought he stopped himself from doing that" Jason said listening in

"He wouldn't run away too much for him to lose isn't that right Jonnie boy" Dick said walking out of the shadows

"What has he got to lose" Bruce asked

"Jon, knows who Damian's actually dating, why didn't I see this sooner" Tim said jumping off the T-Rex

"Damian's dating someone" Alfred said bringing tea to the cave

"And he would have told you guys if he had more faith in you" Jon said with a snarky tone

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