Chapter 3

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Fortress of Attitude
Bruce and Clark questioned their Sons before leaving and just as they left Clark turned to Jon "Make sure your home by ten or mother will have our heads"

Jon looked at his father saying "Will do see you later".

The Watchtower
As both Bruce and Clark materialised Bruce looked to Clark, "Something is off between those two, could you feel it" Bruce stated

Clark looked at Bruce with surprise "No they both seem completely fine to me, stop worrying Bats if something is off Jon will tell me and I'll let you know". Bruce just nodded as Clark as he left.

Fortress of Attitude
Damian looked at Jon masking all emotion "Jon I think we should take a break from this whole working together"

Jon looked at Damian "No we shouldn't, I'm going home now but I'll see you tomorrow and we will talk about this further" the intercom came on "Recognised SB-02" and with that Jon was gone.

Damian didn't leave instead he took his gear off and put it on the armour stand labelled Robin, He looked at his uniform as if it was the last time he would ever see it. Damian quickly wrote a note addressed to Jon, he turned off the lights and left.

The next day 18:00
"Recognised SB-02, WG-02" Both Jon and Cassie arrived to a darkened Fortress of Attitude. "Dami, you here" they both called out

Jon turned the lights on and quickly used his x-ray vision to find Damian

"Jon, come here" Cassie called

Jon raced over to Cassie and saw what she saw Damian's uniform with a note in the belt

"That's odd Dami, never leaves his costume here" Jon exclaimed

Cassie then replied with her best Damian impression "It's not a costume it's a uniform, we are soldiers"

Both teens started laughing hysterically.

Jon picked the not up and started reading his eyes began to tear up

"Jon what is it" Cassie asked with worry on her face, "he's...gone" he replied with immense pain as Jon fell to the ground Cassie came to comfort him.

2 weeks later
Cassie and Jon were worried about Damian but it wasn't his first time to disappear so they had hope he'd be back soon. They were deep in thought when they heard "Recognised RN" it's him they both thought "-01" and with that Nightwing stood in front of them.

"Aw come on why does everyone look disappointed when I turn up" he said

Jon just turned at went back to the computer where Damian normally sat, Cassie walked up to Dick

"What's wrong with him and where is Damian" Dick asked

"That's what's wrong" Cassie replied

She took Dick by the hand and led him to the hallway, "Damian left this note about two weeks ago and we haven't heard from him or seen him since have you?"

Dick shook his head "I'll head back to the cave and see if Bruce, Al, Tim or Jay know anything, but no I have been in Blüdhaven so I haven't seen him in a while". As he left Cassie felt defeated.

The Batcave

Dick had called a family meeting Bruce, Alfred,Tim, Jason, Barbra, Stephanie and Cass all turned up

"Where's the Demon Spawn" Jay commented earning a death stare from Bruce

Bruce turned to Dick "Dick why have you called us all here"

"Jason said it, where is Damian Jon and Cassie haven't seen him since Talia" Dick replied

Bruce turned the computer and started searching for Damian but no sign, the Batfamily were given their orders and dispersed to different locations, Dick to Titans Tower, Jason and Tim to Mount Justice and Cass, Stephanie and Barbara to the Bellfry.

Alfred turned to Bruce "If Master Damian does not want to be found, you won't fined him"

Bruce looked to Alfred with a defeated look "I know Al, but I have to try I sensed something was off and I did nothing"

"We'll find him Master Bruce I'm sure of it" he reassured.

Before Bruce logged off for the night he received a message "Father I am all right, I will not return anytime soon, until I figure stuff out do not search for me, try contact me or anything else I'll be in touch before I return, and apologise is to Dick, Jon and Cassie for me".

Bruce summoned the three of them and showed them the message, Dick sighed with relief knowing his brother was okay but he was upset he left without telling him, Cassie didn't know how to feel she wanted Damian here so she could punch for leaving but knew he had his reasons. Jon on the other hand just flew out of the cave crying causing concern for Bruce, Cassie and Dick, Cassie knew why but Bruce and Dick were left confused.

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