Chapter 32

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Wayne Manor December 5th 17:30
Jon, Tim, Kon and M'gann were all sitting in the lounge watching TV. Jon wasn't paying attention to the show or to the conversation going on around him.

"What do you think Jon?" Kon asked

"Huh" Jon said looking up at his brother

"Jon stop worrying about it, everything will be fine" Tim reassured knowing exactly what Jon was preoccupied by

"What's going on" M'gann asked

"Oh nothing just some Joker business we dealt with earlier" Tim replied

"Oh yeah I heard Joker broke Damian's ribs is he okay" M'gann asked

"He's fine for Damian" Tim said

"Joker didn't break his ribs" Jon said

"What do you mean" Kon asked

They all looked at Jon confused

"I punched him in the chest for being Damian, I broke his ribs" Jon said

"Jon, you know how awesome that is" Tim said

They all looked at him now as if he had lost his mind because Jon could have easily killed Damian with that punch.

"How is that awesome" Jon asked

"None of us could poke Damian without our finger being cut off, but you break bones in his body and your still breathing think about what that means" Tim said winking at Jon

"Yeah, he's going to kill me later" Jon said laughing nervously

"Don't worry we'll have your back" Jason said walking into the room

"Hi Jay" Tim said

"What are you losers up to" Jason asked

"Well we just learnt Jon broke Damian's ribs not Joker" M'gann informed

"I don't believe it, he'd be dead if he actually did that" Jason said

Their conversation was interrupted by Dick barging into the room with a smile on his face

"Hey Jon, lil D will see you now" Dick said

"If he heard that I d run if I were you Dickie bird" Jason teased

As Jon and Dick made their way to the elevator down to the Batcave they were in complete silence not knowing what to say to one another.

"Hey why are you so nervous" Dick asked

"Because this is the first time in weeks Damian has actually agreed to talk to me" Jon stated

"He didn't actually I'm forcing him too because your the best influence he has in his life and I want it to stay that way" Dick said

"Oh so he doesn't want to talk, I don't understand him the whole reason he doesn't want to talk is his fault I didn't cause it he did" Jon stated

"Well then don't let him talk, you do the talking and make sure he's listening if not punch him again" Dick said

"Wait how did you know I hit him" Jon asked

"He told me, he also said not to tell anyone because it would be embarrassing if people found out you're the one who hurt him" Dick laughed

The elevator finally reached the cave Jon got off while Dick stayed on it and headed back up to the Manor. Jon slowly made his way towards the Med-Bay where Damian was currently recuperating from his injuries.

"Grayson is that you standing outside, I need help can you come in" Damian demanded

"Not Dick, but I'll still help" Jon said entering

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