Chapter 63

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The Batcave December 28th 17:44
Today was the first day since Damian died that Bruce has managed to pull himself down to the Batcave, he was advised to stay out because he wasn't ready but he wasn't going to not fight Darkseid, as it was under his command the bomb was there in the first place

"Bruce your not ready" Selina said

"I am" Bruce said walking past her

"Hey Bruce, Selina is right let us handle Darkseid with everyone else you don't need to worry" Dick said

"I'm fine honestly but Darkseid won't be when I'm done" Bruce said

"Then I'm helping" Selina said

"What" Bruce asked

"I've been itching to get back in the suit let me help" Selina said

"Fine, gather everyone including Jonathan we start training now on the watchtower" Bruce demanded

Earth-11 Batcave 18:00
Batwoman was walking down the stairs to the cave and heard Damian and Talia fighting together and she made her way over

"Have you guys taken a break yet" She asked

"No not yet mother" Talia replied

"You've been fighting for two hours take a break, I think Laurel called said she'd be around at seven" Batwoman said

"Okay thanks mother" Talia said

"Next one on the floor loses" Damian said

"So your about to lose" Talia said

"How" Damian asked as she tripped him

"That's how" Talia said helping him up

"Okay that hurt but what can I say we are skilled" Damian said

"But women are better then men so I'm better by default Wayne" Talia said

"I'll give you a rematch tomorrow and we'll see who's better Kane" Damian shot back

"Will you two shut up" Red Hood said

"Jessy find somewhere else to be hungover" Red Robin said

"Shut it Tina" Jessy shot back

"Hey we all need to relax" Nightwing said

"No one asked you Rikki" Jessy spat

"I don't feel like I'm on a different Earth" Damian said

"There this annoying on Earth-1, I find that hard to believe" Talia said

"Your right my ones are worse" Damian said

"Okay let's go get cleaned up" Talia said

There were a few slight differences on this Earth Damian's room is a guest room so that's where he has been staying and unlike on Earth-1 he has cried himself to sleep every night because Jon isn't there

"Hey Wayne, you ready" Talia said from outside

"One sec" Damian said clearing tears from his eyes

"Wow Wayne, you okay" Talia asked

"Yeah I'm fine just poked myself" Damian said

"That was dumb" Talia replied

"Is Laurel here yet" Damian asked

"Yeah she's outside" Talia said

"Let's go then" Damian said

"Mother we're going out" Talia said

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