Chapter 5

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Gotham City-Narrows November 30th
Damian sat on the roof watching the commotion below as Jon flew off, the fake Robin was his idea there was no war coming to the streets of Gotham all he wanted was to see if anyone still cared and sure enough he got his answer, they did he could see it in Jon's eyes and how his father was acting, Damian was so deep in thought he didn't here the footsteps.

"How did I know you were behind this baby bat" Jason stated

Damian turned to see Jason

"Todd, am I going to have to kill you or will you stay quiet" Damian questioned

"I'll stay quiet, if you promise you'll be home soon, I can't bear Dick any longer, Bruce is more brutal then ever and Alfred keeps making salad and vegan food even though your not there so please come home" Jason replied

"Didn't know you cared, I'll be home soon and don't worry there is no war coming" he replied

Jason turned to jump off the building but before he could Damian asked "How's Jon and Cassie" Jason turned

"Cassie has been with Wonder Woman for the last two years and well as you saw Jon hasn't faired to well, he's been lonely and angry and talks to no one" Jason respond but then asked "Damian what did you do to him?"

Damian looked and Jason with sadness "You'll find out soon enough" and disappeared into smoke with that statement.

Kent residence-Metropolis
Jon arrived home to his mother and father waiting at the kitchen table, "Jonathan Samuel Kent what on gods earth have you done to your suit" his mother screamed

"Nothing mom I don't need it anymore any ways I'm done" Jon said as he was about to walk off

"Son, myself and your mother have given you space but you need to tell us why your so upset" Lois exclaimed

Jon turned with tears in his eyes "I wish I could but I promised to keep it a secret and so did Cassie, and no we don't know where he is"

Jon sobbed running to his room and shutting his door. At that exact moment Lois and Clark were called to the Planet because a mysterious ship appeared over Morrison Bay.

"Jon we hope your okay we will finish this when we get home" Lois called and with that they left.

Jon lay on his bed looking at the ground until a figure appeared in the window he got ready to fight but was struck hard and fell to the ground.

"Did you miss me Kent" the familiar yet unfamiliar voice said

Jon clenching his stomach tried to stand but the figure kept him down and grabbed his hair saying

"Tt I thought I trained you better" the voice stated

Jon opened his eyes and saw Damian standing right there in front of him.

"D..Dami is that really you" he asked

"Of course it.." Damian was cut off by Jon upper cutting him.

Fortress of Attitude
Jon managed to sneak Damian into the fortress of Attitude, Damian woke up. Jon just glared into his friends eyes

"What is it Jon spit it out" Damian asked

Jon got sad and asked "Why?...Why did you leave and where did you go"

Damian looked at Jon saying "Jon I didn't know what was happening or what I was feeling but I knew that if we continued something bad would happen so I removed myself and went exploring the world to try figure out who I was but every day I thought of you, I love you Jon"

"I love you to Dami, but your not forgiven I have lived the last three years alone and in sadness you saying I love you won't fix anything"

Damian stood up and said "I know but this might" he leaned in and kissed Jon

Jon replied "Well it's a step in the right direction".

The boys continued to talk about the last three years until Jon asked "Are we gonna stay secret this time?", Damian looked into Jon's soul "No, not this time beloved"

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