Chapter 7

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I can't believe that I came that close to Pentatonix seeing me break out in hives and stop breathing. I would have told Kevin earlier, but I didn't want him to take me back to the orphanage because most of the food that fits my specific needs costs a bunch of money. I was exhausted from today plus I didn't feel good from my allergies, so I decided to go to bed.
"I'm going to bed," I said.
Everyone harmonized on "Goodnight" as I walked upstairs. Kevin walked me up to bed and tucked me in.
"Sleep tight sweety," he said as he kissed me on the head, "If you need anything, my room is right down the hall and Avi's room is right across the hall. I love you!"
"I love you too," I said as I drifted off.
I tucked Kyra in and walked downstairs.
"Was Kyra all right?" Mitch asked as I walked downstairs.
"She was acting kind of funny," Kirstie added.
"We think that she has some type of eating disorder because of how skinny she is," I said, tears streaming down my face. Avi pulled me into a hug.
"Do you want me to talk to her?" Kirstie asked, "Sometimes it's easier to talk girl to girl."
"I think that I'll handle this," I said.
"Okay, well it's getting late. We better get going," Jeremy said.
"Us too," Scott added.
We all said our "Goodbyes" and everyone left. Avi and I cleaned up and went to our rooms to go to bed, but I couldn't get Kyra off my mind.

~the next day~
I woke up after 2 hours of sleep and went downstairs to make breakfast. I walked out of my room to find Kyra already making breakfast.
"Good morning sweetie-pie!" I said as I walked into the kitchen.
"Morning, Dad," she said while flipping a pancake, "What are we doing today?"
"I thought that we could have an All-About-Kyra day," I said, watching her concentrate on what she was making.
"Sounds great," she said as Avi trudged downstairs.
"Morning, Avi," Kyra said handing him a cup of black coffee.
I wonder why she is doing this? Is she doing it to distract us from seeing that she isn't eating anything?
Just then, Kyra shoved a plate of pancakes in my face with a yogurt smiley face in front of me and one with a frowny face in front of Avi.
"What's that for?" Avi asked.
"It's your famous frown" Kyra giggled as Avi frowned his signature frown. Kyra didn't eat much breakfast either.
After breakfast I asked Kyra if I could talk to her in her room.
"Okay..." she responded nervously.
"Kyra," I said, "Are you okay? You haven't eaten. I think you have and eating disorder."And that's when she broke down.
When Kevin asked me if I had an eating disorder, I broke down. I bawled my eyes out for a few minutes while laying my head on Kevin's lap. Then when I had calmed down enough to talk I said, "I don't have an eating disorder. I have multiple allergies that limit me from eating lots of things. I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid that you wouldn't want to keep me with the price of the food that I can eat on my specific diet is very expensive . At the orphanage, they never had any food that I could eat, so I didn't get to eat. That's why I'm so skinny. I made breakfast this morning because I wanted to distract you and Avi from the fact that I wasn't eating. I'm so sorry."
"Shhh," Kevin said, "It's okay. I love you Kyra and I don't care how much it costs. I will get you the food and medicine that you need. What are you allergic to?"
I pulled out a list from my dresser drawer:
•Tree nuts
•Certain spices and seasonings
The list went on past that, but those are my top allergies.
"Hmmm," Kevin said as he looked at the list. Next thing I knew, he was pulling out his phone and texting the rest of PTX to come over ASAP. I had no clue what he was doing.
~a half an hour later~
Everyone arrived at the house. Mitch and Kirstie ran straight to me when they saw me crying into Kevin's shoulder. Avi was already sitting behind me and Scott walked over and sat down next to Avi.
After just sitting there for 10 minutes Kirstie spoke up, "What's wrong sweety?"
Then I told them everything about my allergies and how I didn't get to eat at the orphanage. I was so embarrassed. Now all of Pentatonix was going to think of me differently and treat me like I am a little girl.
Mitch asked if he could talk to me alone, so everyone left my room. I sat on the bed right next to Mitch and he told something, "I don't tell many people this, but I am gluten-free too. I also avoid other foods that I have a bad reaction to. I know how it feels to be the odd one out who can't eat what everyone else is eating, but trust me, Kevin still loves you and he would do anything to help you. He loves you. I love you. We all love you, so just don't be embarrassed. It's not your fault. I've got some good gluten-free foods that you could eat."
"Thanks, Mitch," I said, "It means a lot to me."
Next Kirstie came in. "Hey," she said in a soft voice, "I know that it's been a rough couple of days, but I want you to know that we all still love you and that K. O. wouldn't give you back for the world. He loves you so much."
"Hey, Kirstie..." I said in a weak voice.
"Yes, Kyra?" She said.
"Could we go shopping?" I asked, "I need some new clothes and other things that I wouldn't want dad buy with me."
"Of course!" She said, excitedly, "You go take a shower and get ready. I'll go make sure that your dad says that it is okay if we go."
"Thanks, Kirst," I said as she walked out.
As I got ready, I kept thinking about how great my family is and how much I felt something that I hadn't felt in a long time. Love.

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