Chapter 26

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I woke up in tears. Another nightmare. I looked at the clock. 1:30am. I knew that it would be impossible to wake up Dad at this time, but I might be able to wake up Avi.
"Avi?" I asked as I lightly knocked on the door.
Avi appeared at the door almost instantly. "Ky, are you okay?"
"No," I said.
"What's wrong? Do you have a fever? Does your rib hurt? Stomachache?" I shook my head, "Nightmare?" He asked. I nodded. He pulled me into his room and helped me into his bed. He snuggled me in tight and we fell asleep like that.
~the next day~
I wake up in unfamiliar place. I start to freak out, but Avi starts shushing me. I remember coming in here last night after my nightmare.
"Hey," Avi said, "Sleep well?"
"Yeah, thanks for letting me come in," I said.
"No problem," Avi said, "Go get ready. Kirstie is coming over because Jeremy is leaving for a week. She and Olaf are staying with us all week."
"OLAF IS COMING!!!!!" I screamed as I ran to my room and got dressed.
As I was getting done, I heard Kirstie pull into the driveway. I finished getting ready and ran downstairs. Kirstie was sitting at the counter, so I ran to her first.
"KIRSTIE!" I squealed.
"KYRA!" She squealed back.
Then I felt something wet on my feet. I looked down to see Olaf licking my feet. "OLAF!" I squealed as I picked him up. He licked my face. We talked for a while until I got a call. I didn't know the number. I decided that I might as well answer it. I went up to my room and answered it.
"Hello?" I said.
"Nice to hear your voice again, anorexic," I knew that voice, Andrea.
I threw my phone across my room and went into panic mode. I curled up in a ball and cried. I couldn't function if she was around. She even knew my new number. I wished I had never even met her. She was just jealous that I was smarter than her. I lied on my bed, in a ball until I heard someone.
"Hey Ky- what the heck? What is wrong?" Was that Mitch? My head was under a pillow. I peeked out. It was Mitch. "Kyra! Are you okay?" I put my finger to my mouth and pointed at my phone. "It's Andrea," I mouthed.
Mitch stormed over to my phone and picked it up, "Andrea! You have no clue how much you hurt people do you? Well, if you ever call her again or talk to her or even look at her, I am going to report you to the police for harassment!"
"Easy for a gay anorexic to say," Andrea said, "I bet you were bullied in school."
"I am gay, I have struggled with weight, and I was bullied in school, but it is never right to bully anyone. Ever. You better think about what you have ever said," Mitch said and he hung up. He was crying.
"Thank you," I said. We cried together for a while and then we put on makeup to cover up out tears.
"What were you guys doing?" Dad asked when we came downstairs.
"Just stalking our fans on Twitter!" Mitch lied, "We found this really cool punk edit of Ky!"
"Let me see!" Said Scott. I gave Mitch a worried look, but he pulled out his phone and showed a picture to Scott and the rest of the band. He showed it to Dad.
"I don't know if I want my daughter looking like this..." Dad said, "Purple hair and tattoos are a no in my book!"
"Don't worry, Dad!" I said, "I won't ever do that!"
"I don't know," Scott said, "It's kind of cute!"
"Ew!" Avi said, quoting Jimmy Fallon's Ew!
"Yes on hair. No on tattoos," Kirstie said.
"Okay!" Mitch said, "Scott and I want to do a SuperFruit video with Kyra, so we are going to do that."
"Have fun!" Dad said, "And if they try to make you drink SuperJuice, say no!"
Mitch, Scott, and I laughed as we walked upstairs.
"Hey guys! Welcome to SuperFruit, the best show on the internet I am Deuteronomy," Scott said.
"I'm Rum-Tum-Tugger!" Mitch said.
"And I'm Grizabella!" I said, peeking out from behind their shoulders.
"And together-" Scott said.
"We are felines," I said.
Mitch fell backwards, laughing. Scott tried not to laugh, but he couldn't help it. I just smiled.
"Anywho," Mitch said after laughing for a few minutes, "Today we are here with Kyra! If you didn't know, Kevin adopted Kyra about a month and a half ago."
"AND SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND!" Scott screamed.
"YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND!" I screamed back.
"WHY ARE YOU GUYS YELLING?" Avi asked as he opened the door.
"I DON'T KNOW!" Mitch yelled.
"My throat is starting to hurt," I said.
"Yeah," Scott said.
"Like I was saying," Mitch said, "Today we are doing 20 questions with Kyra."
"Okay," I said, "I have something in my head."
"Is it a living thing?"
"Does it move?"
"Can it sing?"
"Can it talk?"
"Do I like it?" That's Mitch.
"You love it!"
"WYATT!" Mitch screamed.
"Yes!" I said, "I'm not good at this."
"My turn!" Scott said, "Got it."
"Animal?" Mitch asked.
"No." Scott said.
"Starbucks," I said confidently.
"Nice," Scott said giving me a high five.
"Okay! I have mine!" Mitch said.
"Is it living?" Scott asked.
"An animal?" I asked.
"Sort of," Mitch replied.
"A human?" Scott asked.
"Uh-huh," Mitch said.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" Scott asked.
"Girl," Mitch said.
"Me?" I asked.
"Kyra dominates this game!" Mitch said.
"Now it's time for our Weekly Obsessions!" Scott said, "My weekly obsession is Kyra!"
"Same here!" Mitch said.
"That's not creepy..." I said, "Well, my weekly obsession is..." Olaf walked into my room, "OLAF!"
"Feeling the love," Scott said in a pouty voice. I rolled my eyes. "Here's a good song. Don't listen to anything else today or Olaf will eat your brains!" He said, "My song of the week is the same at Mitchie's!"
"Yep!" Mitch said, "Our song of the week is This is What Happy Feels Like by Kyra Olusola!"
"Aww!" I said, "Thanks guys! My song of the week is I Dreamed a Dream from Les Misérables."
"And that's all the time we have for you!" Mitch said, "Don't forget to subscribe!"
We ended the video and cleaned up the camera and the lights. By the time we were done it was time for lunch. We ate lunch and decided to hang out for the rest of the day. The band did some arranging for their album. I practiced piano and guitar. I also went on Twitter. I got a very nice tweet from HarmonyP (Thanks for the super nice comment!). She said, "You are amazing! You are a huge inspiration to me!" I followed her, liked, and commented on the post.
After that, we ended up watching a bunch of movie trailers on YouTube which included the trailer for Unfriended. Dad, Kirstie, and I were petrified. However, Scott, Avi, and Mitch thought it looked amazing and planned on going to see it tomorrow.
Around 10:30 Scott and Mitch went home. Kirstie came up to my room where we had put out an air mattress. Dad and Avi went to their rooms and we all went to sleep. I fell asleep, happy that I had such a great day.

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