Chapter 24

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I woke up to screaming. I rolled over to see Kyra thrashing around and screaming. I had no clue what to do, so I ran across the hall to Scott's room. "Scott!" I whisper-yelled, shaking him.
"What the, oh it's just you, Amber. What's the matter?" He asked.
"I-It's Kyra," I managed to get out, "She's screaming and crying. I think she's having a nightmare."
Scott pushed past me and ran to Kyra. He shook her shoulder and said, "Wake up, Kyra. It's just a dream." He repeated those sentences again and again until she finally woke up and buried her head in his chest.
"But, Scott," she said, "They were real."
"What do you mean?" Scott asked.
"I mean that they were flashbacks about my old foster home and my old foster parents," she said, surprisingly not crying.
"It's okay, Ky-Ky," I said, sitting down next to her, "They can't get you now. Your dad and the rest of your family has you now and they love you."
"Oh. My. Gosh," Mitch said from the doorway, "That was the sweetest thing I have ever heard!"
"What are you doing in here?" Kyra asked, "It's like 2:00."
"I heard you screaming and I came to make sure everything was okay," Mitch said.
"Don't tell Dad," Kyra said, "I don't want to stress him out anymore." Then, as if on cue, Kevin walked into the room.
"Well, there goes that plan, Kyra," I said. Everyone laughed and as soon as they made sure Kyra was okay, they left to go back to sleep.
"Goodnight, Kyra," I said.
"Goodnight, Amber," she responded as she drifted off.
I woke up around 2:30 am to Mitch shaking my shoulder. "Mitch," I groaned, "It's 2:30. What do you want?"
"Could I sleep in here?" He asked.
"Why?" I asked.
"Kyra had a nightmare and I am really worried about her," he said. My eyes had finally started to focus and I realized that Mitch was crying.
"Come here," I said. He lied down next to me and cried into my shoulder. He eventually fell asleep, but I couldn't. I was now worried about Kyra.
At about 3:30, I still wasn't asleep. Mitch woke up and looked at me. "Have you been up this whole time?" He asked.
"I'm worried about Kyra, too," I said. Mitch pulled me in, closer to him and we both fell asleep.
Next thing I know, Scott is in my room. Watching Mitch and I sleep. I grab my phone, not wanting to wake Mitch.
I texted Scott:
Me: Stalk much?
Scott: I went to wake up Mitch, but he wasn't in his room. I was pretty sure he would be with you. I was going to wake you guys up, but I thought it was adorable how you were snuggling like brother and sister, so I took a picture and posted it on Instagram...
Me: I hate you :|
Scott: Haha! It has 5,000 likes!
Me: Can you get Mitch off me? I'm being suffocated. I... Can't... Breathe....
Scott: DRAMA QUEEN |\/\/|
Me: Stop making crown emoticons and help me!
Scott "woke up" Mitch (A.K.A. dragged him off of me.) I got up and took a shower. I got out of the shower, feeling refreshed. I looked at the clock and it was only 6:30. I decided to finish getting ready and go check on Ky.
I walked into Amber's room and saw Kyra sitting on the beanbag chair. "How long have you been up?" I asked her.
"Since 4," she said, "I was scared that I would have another nightmare, so I slept for an hour and a half and then woke up and got ready."
"Why do you have nightmares?" I asked. She put her phone down and looked me in the eye.
"Abusive Foster Father."
"Oh," I said, looking down at the floor. I was unable to make eye contact with her. We sat there for a while in silence. Whenever I looked at Kyra I saw a look of pain on her face.
"Amber I in the shower," she finally said.
"Is she coming shopping with us?" I asked. We were going to the Historic Charleston Market today.
"Yeah," she said, obviously exhausted. She hadn't slept at all and she couldn't eat very much.
"Come here," I said, opening my arms for a hug. She walked over to me and we hugged for a good couple of minutes. It was one of those hugs that could last forever.
We heard Amber's mom yell up to us to tell us that it was time for breakfast.
We ate our breakfast and all of PTX (plus Amber) started our walk to the market. On our way we walked past Ft. Sumter and a very beautiful park. We decided to stop at the park and walk around, which resulted in Mitch, Scott, Kevin, and Avi playing a game of tag.
After the game of tag ended, we finished our walk to the market. Kevin, Scott, and Avi said that they were going to go grab some food while we went shopping, so we set up a meeting point and time and went our separate ways.
Mitch, Kyra, Amber, and I walked around the market for a while. We found everything from grass weaved baskets, to bowls made out of old records, to a pink frilly hat that said "Queen" on it. Kyra made Mitch the hat.
By the time we were done at the market, we had so much stuff. After that, we went to a tea place and sampled different teas. Kyra, Mitch, and I found one that we were in love with. It was a Hibiscus Tea with Salted Caramel sugar. We ordered three bags each of it to make at home.
We shopped around at some other stores until it was time to meet up with the guys.
When we met up with the guys, Kevin and Avi's jaws dropped.
"How did you buy that much?" Avi asked.
"Well," Mitch said, "I bought a basket, a shirt, a ha-"
"We get the idea!" Avi said, cutting Mitch off.
We got back to Amber's house and ate dinner. I was sad that our vacation was over, but Kyra seemed devastated. I could tell that she didn't want to leave her best friend, but we had to leave at 6:00 the next morning for our last show.
I was so sad that I had to go leave. I was excited for the last show and to get home, but I didn't want to leave Amber.
"You'll have to come visit in Cali sometime," I said, lying next to her.
"I will come for sure!" She said.
We lied there in silence for a while until I finally said, "You are the best friend in the world and I love you so much! I don't want to get all emotional at 4:30 tomorrow morning, so I'll just get emotional now." She gave me a big hug and we both fell asleep like that.
I had no nightmares.
The next morning, Kirstie woke me up around 3:30 so I could get ready.
I got ready and said my 'Goodbye's and 'Thank You's to Amber's parents.
Amber and I had a very emotional goodbye, but we got through it and it was back to the tour life of Pentatonix!

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