Chapter 20

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At the concert tonight, all of the fans were super excited to see me. It's weird having people know who you are and love you.
"Hey Guys!" I said after Aha!
Everyone started screaming and clapping. There were a bunch of "#Luv4Kyra"s which made me smile. "So," I said, "Thank you for all of the tweets and kind messages. They have really kept me going this week."
"You're beautiful, Kyra," a boy in the audience yelled, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Was this kid asking me out in the middle of the concert? How would that work with me being on tour and living in California?
"Talk to me at the Meet and Greet after the concert," I said with a giggle.
"Okay," Mitch said, "Now that you lovebirds are done," I hit him, playfully, on the shoulder, "We are going to try something different. We are going to have Kyra sing the lead in See Through and Rather Be. Does that sound good?"
The fans screamed and cheered. I began singing.
World under my skin
There for you to find
All I've kept within
Lay before your eyes

I can't afford to lose
Another second with you
I've been waiting a long time
Can't afford to lose
Another second with you
I am yours and you are mine

I am see through, baby
So take a look inside
I am see through, baby
And I don't wanna hide
For the very first time,
for the very first time
I am see through, baby
And I don't wanna hide

"That song really means a lot to me," I said once I got done singing, "I have always felt like people could tell how I was feeling without me even having to tell them. I still feel that way, but now I'm not afraid for people to know how I feel because I now have people that I know care about me and love me. Those people are my dad, Avi, Kirstie, Scott, and Mitch. They have helped me through all of my issues and heartbreaks. I'm not afraid to be me around them because I know that they love me for who I am." I turned around to see my family crying, especially Dad, Kirstie, and Mitch. "Okay," I continued, "Let's stop crying and start our next song!"

Lalaladadum (Oh)
We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea
But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be
I would wait forever, exalted in the scene
As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat
With every step we take, Kyoto to The Bay
Strolling so casually
We're different and the same, gave you another name
Switch up the batteries
If you gave me a chance I would take it
It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it
Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me
When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be
No, no, no, no place I'd rather be
No, no, no, no place I'd rather be
No, no, no, no place I'd rather be

We finished the concert and went off stage. Time for the meet and greet!
"You killed it, girl," I heard while I was reapplying makeup. It was Mitch.
"Thanks Mitchelle!" I said.
"So," he said, "How about that boy?"
Crap, I had forgotten about that boy who called me out from the audience. "Ummmm," I said, "I don't know. No boy has ever liked me before. What do I do?"
"Well," Mitch said, "You can give him a backstage pass to hang out with you if you like him. I wonder if he's cute," he was losing focus.
"Just don't flirt with him," I said, "Even if he is hot an dreamy and muscular and perfe-"
"Hey-o!" Scott cut me off, "Its time to go meet your lover boy!"
"Stop it!" I yelled, laughing. Mitch and I followed him to the meet and greet room.
"The Queen has arrived!" Mitch yelled as he walked in. The fans screamed. I think some fainted!
"Which one of you yelled at her about being her boyfriend?" Scott asked. I seriously wanted to punch him.
A cute boy peeked out of the crowd and raised his hand, shyly. "Um, that's me," he said nervously. I smiled at him and he smiled back. We both started blushing as Scott was telling the fans something. I broke our stare and looked at Dad. I gave him a thumbs up and a thumbs down under the table. He gave me a thumbs up! I was suddenly excited to meet this boy.
The line went through and I was kin of spaced out. I kept looking for that boy. He was in the back of the line, so I was having a hard time waiting. I took pictures with fans, autographed t-shirts, posters, and heads. I followed some of my fans on Instagram and Twitter. It was fun, but all I could think about was the boy. I didn't even know his name, but I was already head over heals for him.
Finally he was starting to come get to the front. I was at the end of the line of PTX members since I wasn't technically a member and I wanted to sit by Dad.
Finally, the boy got down to the Dad. Dad was asking him all kinds of questions. Dad glanced at me watching them and just laughed. "You wanna talk to her?" He asked the boy.
"Yeah," he said. Dad said goodbye and sent the boy down to me.
"Hey," I said, "What's your name?"
"I'm Noah," he said shyly. He was so cute. His hair was like a mix of Scott and Mitch's. It was a blondish-brownish. He had dimples when he smiled. An to top it off, he had and amazing sense of style.
"Hey, Noah," I said. I'm super awkward, "Tell me about yourself."
"Well, I'm from California. I'm here visiting a cousin and she got me tickets to come see you guys. I like to sing and play piano and saxophone. I have a twin brother who is nothing like me. He is the most athletic dude in the world and he plays like every sport."
We talked for a while and realized that we had a lot in common. We exchanged numbers. I was about to give him the backstage pass, but I looked at the time. It was 11:30 pm! We had been talking for an hour and a half! I looked over at my family to see Avi sleeping on the table. I giggled and pointed to him. Noah laughed too. He was perfect.
"So," he said, "Will you be my girlfriend?"
I was screaming inside. Of course I wanted to be his girlfriend! I didn't want to sound too desperate, though. After thinking for a minute, I said, "Of course!" Noah jumped in the air and pumped his fist in victory. I looked over at Dad who was filming the whole thing along with Mitch and Kirstie.
Noah realized what time it was and said he had to go back to his cousin's house. We hugged and he left.
"Eeeeeeeeeek!" Mitch and Kirstie screamed, waking up Avi and scaring the life out of Scott.
"You guys make an adorable couple!" Mitch said, "And he's really cute!"
"I know right!" I squealed.
Kirstie, Mitch, and I jumped up an down until Dad said that we should get on the bus because it was getting late and we had to get to the hotel.
We got on the bus and even though we were all exhausted, everyone was bombarding me with questions. Even Avi! Before we knew it, we were at the hotel. Mitch and Scott went to their room, Kirstie went to her room, Avi went to his room, and Dad and I went to our's.
I took out my contacts and took a shower. I put on my pajamas and payed down in bed. I said goodnight to Dad and fell asleep instantly. Then I had a nightmare about my parents and the people who killed them. I woke up screaming with Dad shaking me.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah," I said, half lying, "Just a nightmare. Can I lay with you? I'm scared."
"Of course you can sweety." He said as he picked me up and lied me down in his bed.
"Goodnight," he said, "I love you more than anything."
"I love you more than anything too!" I said. I fell asleep, feeling safe in Dad's arms.

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