Chapter 37

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Can't Sleep Love played over the speakers as we cleaned up our trash from lunch. I sat down and checked Tumblr. I scrolled through the mix of depressing quotes, pictures of perfect people sitting on the beach, and all of the other cliché Tumblr stuff.
I looked at the clock on my phone and it read 1:17. I thought that we were going to start editing at 1:00.
"Where's Kyra?" I asked, slightly concerned that she hadn't come back from the bathroom yet.
"She left for the bathroom like 20 minutes ago," Scott said, unconcerned.
"It doesn't take girls that long to go to the bathroom," Kirstie said, defensively.
"I don't know," Scott said, "Maybe she's on her 'monthly cycle.'"
Kirstie smacked him upside the head.
"What?" Scott asked.
"I'm gonna kill you Scott Hoy--" Kirstie said.
"I'm going to go check on Kyra," I said, slipping out of that cat fight.
It wasn't my first time in a girls' bathroom, so I just walked in, no hesitation.
"Kyra?" I asked, looking for her feet under the stall doors, but all of them were empty.
I sprinted out of that bathroom and back to the recording studio where Kirstie was trying to tackle Scott.
"Guys!!!" I screamed, "Kyra's gone!"
"You may be the storm, but I'm the hurricane!" (Chorus kam3026 ) a TV show character yelled. I opened my eyes to see what show it was, but all I saw was a dark room around me and a small TV screen. I tried to get up, but I was duct taped to the chair I was sitting in. Then it all came back to me. I sat there
until I heard heavy footsteps coming down a set of stairs and a door creaking open. The lights flashed on and I saw him.
"Good. You're up," he said. He took a belt and smacked me in the face with it.
"Respond when I talk to you," he said, hitting me again.
"Yes sir," I quickly responded.
"My, my, my. Aren't you a skinny thing?"
I didn't respond.
"Respond when I speak to you!" He screamed, pushing the chair that I was sitting in over. My ribs hit the cement floor, causing me to wince. That's when I felt it, my phone in my back pocket.
"Don't move," he said, "Oh, wait, you can't." He chuckled to himself all the way upstairs.
By this time, the TV had turned off. I tried to reach for my phone, but I couldn't reach it and bring it out to where I could see it. I tried moving the chair around to get it, but nothing worked!
Apparently I was making lots of noise moving around because he came down stairs. I acted like I was asleep.
"Aw," he said, sarcastically, "You're asleep. How sweet."
I thought that he was going to hit me, but instead he untied me, picked me up, carried me into a small room with white walls, laid me down on the bed, locked the door, and walked out.
I let out a quiet sigh of relief and I fell asleep.
When I woke, I was still in the room with my hands tied behind my back. There were no windows, but I slid my phone out of my back pocket and checked the time. 5:14 pm. What a great way to spend my birthday. I looked at my battery percentage. It was at 27%. I was about to text Dad to let him know where I was when the door started to creak open. I quickly stuck my phone under bottom bed sheet.
"Good," he said, "You're up."
He came over and punched me in the ribs. I slightly cringed, but I didn't want to show weakness.
"Oh, does that hurt?" He punched me there again, and again. He kept punching me until I finally passed out from the pain.
I woke up, again, and checked the time. 7:32pm. I knew that I couldn't wait! I had to get out of there. I heard my ex foster father's footsteps upstairs. I pulled my phone out of the sheets and opened Siri.
"Siri," I said.
"Yes, Kyra," she said.
"Text Dad my current location," I said, hopeful for my plan to work.
"Texting your current location to Dad," Siri's automated quietly rang through my speaker, "Message sent."
Just then he came into the room.
"What's this?" He reached for my phone and quickly locked it before he could see the text.
"Nothing," I said.
"You think that you can just check all of your social medias and stuff while you are kidnapped? Because if you do, you're wrong! People these days shouldn't be so obsessed with their phones. That's how I found you! I looked at the post that you made on Twitter. As soon as I saw it, I knew where you were, so I went to get you."
"I'm sorry," I said, not making eye contact.
"You should be!" He screamed, his alcohol scented breath filling the room, "And you should be punished! He opened a closet that I had been oblivious to and pulled out a whip. I remembered this whip from when I lived here. When I first moved in, he told me that he was a huge Indiana Jones fan and that's what he had it. I believed him. Then he started to use it on me and I realized that I was very wrong to trust him.
He threw my phone onto the floor and started whipping me. "You never should have left! You don't deserve the life that you have with your new family." Whenever he had said stuff like that in the past, I had believed him, but now that I had lived with my new family, I realized that I wasn't the piece of trash that he told me I was. I wasn't the good for nothing girl that was just taking up space. I was a strong, independent, woman and I wanted the whole world to know that.
"Yes. I. Do." I grabbed that whip right as it came at my back and flung it on the floor.
He stepped back in, what looked like, fear. In that moment, I felt powerful. It was a new feeling for me, but I loved it.
I was thinking through this when I heard a crash. I looked down and saw him laying unconscious on the ground. He had fallen into the closet. I grabbed my phone and quickly ran out of that basement, up the stairs, and out the door to freedom.
WOO HOO! Go Kyra! Who likes this chapter? I know that it was a little bit different, but it's like 11:45 pm and who knows what I'm going to type at this time at night. :-P
Anywho... Hope you enjoyed! If any of you ever need to talk about something... Whether it be a bully at school, a family problem, or just wanting someone to fan girl with... My message box is always open!
I love you guys so much!

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