Chapter 30

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Dad, Avi, and I drove through the rain after dropping Kirstie and Olaf off back at their house. I was sad that Kirstie was gone, but it was going to be fun being able to have fun with the boys.
Dad pulled the car into a gas station to get gas. I was really thirsty, so I went in to grab an Arizona. I had just found the raspberry when I heard a girl yell, "Oh my gosh! Look Erin! It's Kevin Olusola's daughter, Kyra!"
"Crap," I muttered under my breath as I walked up to the counter, pretending not to notice them. I bought my tea and started to walk out, but I was immediately stopped by a swarm of about 50 girls that were about my age. I guessed that they were all on a team or something.
"Kyra!" They squealed, "Can you take a selfie?" "Sign my shirt!" "I love you!"
I didn't want to be rude, but if I stayed there for too much longer, I was going to have a panic attack!
I darted to the nearest bathroom and called my dad.
"Kyra! What's up?" He said.
"Dad! There is a swarm of about 50 teen girls that were swarming around me in the gas station. I ran to the bathroom, but I'm scared!" I said.
"Okay!" He said in a panicked tone, "Avi and I are coming to get you! Stay where you are!"
"Okay," I said, barely able to breathe.
I sat on the bathroom floor, trying to calm myself down. I was finally calmed down when I heard a bunch of teenage girls screaming, "It's Avi Kaplan and Kevin Olusola!"
Darn, I thought to myself, They're being mobbed by a bunch of girls and it's all my fault.
Suddenly, I heard pounding on the bathroom door. "Kyra?" Dad's voice called out.
"Dad! I'm in here!" I said as I got up and unlocked the door. Dad came towards me, kneeled down, an hugged me.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I guess," I said, knowing that I was not.
We hugged for a few more seconds and then he picked me up. "Come on," he said, "Let's get out of here!"
I looked over Dad's shoulder to see Avi lightly smiling at me. I weakly smiled back.
I leaned my head on Dad's shoulder, starting to fall asleep, but I was quickly awoken by some chanting.
"Daddy's girl! Daddy's girl! Daddy has to rescue her!" A girl chanted, nastily.
"Shut up!" A girl yelled at her.
"Why? I was just telling the truth!" She snapped.
At that moment, I jumped out of Dad's arms and ran to the car.
"Kyra! Kyra!" Dad yelled as he ran towards me along with Avi, "It's okay. People are always going to be rude, but don't let them bother you. You are perfect!"
"Thanks, Dad," I said, "Can we go home now?"
"Of course," Avi said as he opened the car door for me. I got in the car and Avi closed the door.
We rode the rest of the way home in silence. Once we got home, I went straight up to my room and just sat, until I heard Dad yelling.
I was worried about Kyra. She had just gone up to her room as soon as we got home. She never reacted well to fans criticizing her. I was about to go check on her when Mitch called me.
"Hey Kev," He said with a worried tone to his voice, "Is Kyra okay?"
"Yeah, why?" I asked, confused.
"Well, I saw a picture of you carrying her out of a gas station on Twitter," he said.
"No, no, no, no!" I yelled as I got on my computer to check Twitter.
"What's going on?" Avi asked as he walked into the kitchen.
I just showed him the picture that was floating all over Twitter.
"That girl," Avi bellowed.
"Is everything all right?" Kyra asked as she came downstairs.
"Yeah," I said, closing my laptop.
"I saw the picture," she said, calmly.
"And you're okay with it?" Avi asked.
"It annoys me, but I just have to learn to get over stuff like that," Kyra said.
"Aww, I'm so proud of you!" I said pulling her in for a hug.
"Me too!" Mitch said through the phone which was on speaker.
"Hi Mitchy!" Kyra said in a high pitched voice.
"Hey Ky!" Mitch replied in an even higher voice.
"Show-off," Kyra scoffed, sarcastically.
"Hey! Scott, Kirst, and I are going to Starbucks! Do you want to come?" Mitch asked.
"Yes!" Avi and Kyra said at the same time.
"I guess that's that," I said, "Bye, Mitch."
"Byeeeee!" He said as he hung up the phone.
"Well," Kyra said, "What are we waiting for?"
"Let's go!" Avi yelled as he grabbed his keys and wallet and ran out to the car.
We got to Starbucks and ordered our drinks.
"Ooh! They came out with a Cinnamon Roll Frappuccino today!" Kyra squealed, "I'm getting that!"
We found Mitch, Kirstie, and Scott and sat down.
"Kyra?" The barista yelled. Kyra got up to get her drink and that's when it all started.
(Oooh! Cliff hanger!)

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