Chapter 21

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The next few concerts passed very fast. Sing, meet & greet, sleep, repeat. Don't get me wrong, it was the most fun thing I had ever done. It was just so fast that it didn't even seem real. It felt like a dream that I never wanted to wake up from.
I was thinking about this in my hotel room when Dad walked out of the bathroom, wearing sweatpants and a Yale sweatshirt. "Hey," he said, "Our shows in North Carolina have been cancelled because there was a fire at the theatre."
"Okay," I said, "What should we do then?"
"Well," he said, "Avi, Kirstie, Scott, Mitch, and I decided to take you on a 4 day vacation to South Carolina!"
"That sounds like so much fun!" I said, "When are we leaving?"
"Right now!" He said, piggybacking me out to the bus.
We got on the bus and Mitch and Kirstie came and helped me off of Dad's back. My rib was still bad, so it was still hard for me to do things completely on my own.
"You excited?" Scott asked.
"Does superjuice taste horrible?" I asked, causing him and Mitch to laugh hysterically.
"Please tell me that you didn't give her any of that," Dad said.
"Don't worry we didn't give her any superjuice!" Mitch said, "She just watches our videos unlike someone I know..." He looked at Dad accusingly. Dad rolled his eyes and went to lay down in his bunk.
"So," Kirstie said, "In Charleston, there is a really cool Historic Market where people sell stuff that they make. I heard that it's pretty cool. Maybe you, Mitch, and I could go check it out."
"That sounds fun!" I said.
"Trust me, you are going to have a great time!" Kirstie said.
"I'm excited," I said, realizing I was really hungry, "What are we doing for breakfast?"
"We are going to Starbucks," Mitch said, "Momma hasn't had her coffee yet."
I giggled and went to sit on Scott's lap. "Hey," I whispered. Mitch and Kirstie were having a discussion about their favorite Starbucks drinks and I didn't want to interrupt.
"Hey," he whispered back.
"Scott," I said, "My head is pounding. Can you make them stop?"
"Guys," Scott whisper-yelled, "Shhh! Kyra has a headache."
"Here," Mitch said, grabbing a bottle of Ibuprofen, "It says that if you are under 80 pounds you should take 1 pill. How much do you weigh?"
"Mitch!" Scott scolded.
"I'm such a bad person," Mitch said, running to the back of the bus.
I started to get up and follow him, but when I tried to stand up my head hurt so bad that I couldn't even balance. I started to get up and realized that I couldn't. "Scott!" I yelled, falling over. He and Kirstie caught me and carried me to my bunk. Then they went to the back of the bus with Mitch.
Avi walked out to the front of the bus and saw me lying in my bunk. "There's my dragon," He whispered, "Mitch told me what happened. Are you all right?"
"In which way?" I asked.
"Were you offended by what he said?" Avi asked.
"Nope," I said, "I was honestly too out of it to even notice it. I know he was just trying to help me."
"Okay, that's good," he whispered, "How's your head?"
"It feels like 3 gazillion bricks piled up in my head. Will you snuggle with me?" I said, it hurt to bad to even think about lying.
"Of course I will," he said, sliding in next to me. Then I fell asleep in Avi's arms.
Next thing I know, I'm being shaken awake by Avi. "We're here," he said quietly, not knowing if my headache was gone or not. He helped me up and my head was fine, but my rib hurt really bad.
"So," he said, "Your dad, Kirstie, Mitch, and Scott are getting us checked in at the hotel. Where is your stuff? I will get it for you."
I pointed to the compartment that my stuff was in and he grabbed it. "Thanks," I said, "My rib is killing me."
"Here," he said bending down, "Hop on." I got on his back and he piggybacked me into the hotel.
"Hey sweetie," Scott said, "How are you feeling?"
"My head feels fine, but my rib is killing me," I said, "Is Mitch still mad?"
"Kirstie and I got him to calm down, but he still thinks your mad at him," Scott said.
"I'm not mad at him," I said, "I knew that he was just trying to help out and make sure I felt okay. I would never be mad at the Queen!"
"Awwww," Mitch said, "That's so sweet!"
"Were you eavesdropping?" I asked.
"Maybe..." he said guiltily.
"C'mon!" Dad said, walking over to us along with Kirstie, "Lets go to our rooms so we can get unpacked and go have some fun!"

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