Chapter 35

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"SURPRISE!" Amber yelled.
Crap! I totally forgot! The reason Avi and I flew to South Carolina was to pick up Amber so she could spend Kyra's birthday with us!
"Amber?" Kyra said, being held up by Scott and I.
"Kyra!" Amber said in her usual, energetic tone, "OHMYGOSH! What happened?"
"I'd love to explain, but I'm exhausted," Kyra said, worn out, "Maybe Kirstie can explain it or something."
I couldn't stand seeing my daughter like this. She was too exhausted to even talk to her lifelong best friend.
Kyra gave me a look, almost like she was asking me to bring her upstairs, but couldn't get any words out.
"Do you want to go upstairs?" I asked her.
She just nodded, weakly.
Scott and I walked/ carried her up the stairs to her room.
"Goodnight, Sweetheart," Scott said, kissing her on the forehead.
"Sweet Dreams," I said, also kissing her on her forehead.
Scott and I walked out of her bedroom and I collapsed on the floor, crying.
"Kev," Scott said, sitting down next to me, "She's okay! She is just exhausted from having a super crazy couple of days! Just come downstairs and hang out for a little bit!"
"I just can't even imagine," I said, burying my face in his shoulder and crying.
He just sat there and let me cry in his shoulder. (mini A/N: There is no Scevin, so please don't comment that!!!! It's just Scott being a good friend!)
We sat there for about ten minutes until Scott convinced me that, I quote him on this, "I'm not doing Kyra any good by sitting outside of her room as she sleeps."
We walked downstairs to find Kirstie asleep on Mitch, who was also asleep, and Avi comforting a crying Amber.
I was about to go talk to Amber when the doorbell rang.
"I've got it," I said, seeing that no one else was getting up.
"Esther?" I asked, waking Mitch and Kirstie up and scaring Scott, Avi, and Amber.
"Hey!" Esther said, "How's Kyra? I just heard about what happened."
"She's fine," I said, "She's sleeping, but she's fine. Would you like to come in?"
She nodded, but I soon saw two small figures enter after her. It was those kids, Madalyn and Brian, from the concert. I was so stupid! I forgot that Avi and I had invited them to come for Kyra's birthday, too.
"Hey guys!" I said, trying to be cheerful.
"Oh my gosh, Kevin," Madalyn said, coming forward and hugging me, "I'm so sorry about Kyra."
"Thanks," I said, giving up on staying cheerful.
I don't know why I was sad, my daughter had woken up, and very quickly, but she almost died. Died. That one word, four simple letters, can change everything.
"Come sit down," I said, motioning towards the family room. Madalyn and Brian each had one small suitcase.
"So how did you come across them?" I asked Esther, motioning towards Brian and Madalyn who were acquainting themselves with Amber.
"Well," Esther said, "I was trying to plan tour dates for next year's tour and I decided to reserve some flights in advance, so I went to the airport and I found Madalyn and Brian. I thought they looked familiar and I asked them if they needed help and they told me that you were supposed to pick them up from the airport for Kyra's birthday and I took them here! Mitch and Kirst texted me about Kyra on my way here."
"I'm so sorry," I said turning towards Brian and Madalyn, "I completely forgot with all of the craziness of the past few days."
"It's totally fine," Brian said, "I totally understand."
We sat in awkward silence for a while until the doorbell rang.
"How many people do we know?" Avi asked.
I went to answer the door and Noah was there.
"Hey," he said, "I didn't know if the whole sleepover thing was still on or not..."
"Yeah," I said, "Come on in."
So Avi and I had planned a sleepover with Kyra's friends and paid for their plane tickets so that she could have a good 14th birthday and a memorable 1st birthday in the PTX Family.
Everyone acquainted themselves with Noah and we just sat in the living room. Avi had fallen asleep on the Esther's shoulder and she had fallen asleep on top of his head. They did that sometimes on tour and I thought that it was really cute how strong of a sibling bond that they had.
After awhile we decided to order few pizzas because everyone was staying at our house for at least a few more hours, if not all night.
The pizza had just been delivered when I heard someone walking down the stairs. I turned around to see Kyra coming down.
"Hey sweetie," I said, greeting her at the bottom of the stairs.
"I'm fine," she said, "But I'm really hungry! Do I smell pizza?"
She walked into the kitchen where all of the pizza was. Everyone else was eating pizza in the living room and watching something on Netflix.
"Kyra!" Mitch said, walking up behind her and hugging her, "How are you feeling? And you know that that pizza has gluten in it, right?"
"Fine and no, I didn't know that, thanks." Kyra said.
"I made some mac & cheese if you want some," Mitch said, pulling two bowls out of the cabinet and filling them with Mac & Cheese.
"Thanks," Kyra said.
We all walked into the living room where everyone was watching Mean Girls. Neither Avi or I had ever seen the movie, but apparently it was a "classic."
"Oh my gosh! What is going on?" Kyra shouted as she walked into the living room.
"KYRA!" Everyone shouted, almost simultaneously.
"We kind of planned a birthday party for you and forgot to cancel it when you went into a coma..." I said, nervously.
"Oh my gosh," Kyra said. Did she not like it? "Thank you!" She screamed as she gave me a hug.
"You're welcome!" I said, hugging her back.
"KYYYYYYYYYYRRRAAAAAA!" Amber screamed as she ran up to Kyra.
"KYYYYYYYYYYRRRAAAAAA!" Noah screamed running up and joining the group hug.
"NOOOAAAHHH!" Kyra screamed.
"KYYYYYYYYYYRRRAAAAAA!" Madalyn and Brian screamed, also joining the hug.
After about five minutes of excitement, they all say down and started Mean Girls over. I saw Kyra kind of clutching her rib and I wondered if it was still hurting. I knew that it still hadn't healed, but I didn't think that it would still hurt.
The movie ended, and I have to say that it was a hilarious movie. I could understand why everyone loved it so much.
Brian and Noah slept in the guest bedroom. Kyra, Amber, and Madalyn slept in Kyra's room. Avi slept in his room. Scott slept on the couch. Mitch slept on the other couch. Kirstie and Esther slept on an air mattress in the living room.
I fell asleep thinking about Kyra's birthday tomorrow and everything we had planned!
Hey!!! Sorry that I have been kind of not here! Today is my third day of school and I am currently on the bus! (My bus picks me up at 6:30 am😒)
Thanks for reading!!!! This chapter! I tried to make it a longer one, but it's kind of just a filler! The next chapter is going to have something huge, so be excited! Since it is huge, it may take me a while to write! I'm super busy this weekend, so I'll try to work on something, but there are no guarantees!
Thanks again and I'll see you guys later!

P. S. Huge shoutout to PTX_Fanchick putting Kyra in her book!!!
See ya!

Shoutout to kam3026 because I'm watching her read this in study hall as I type!😂

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