Chapter 13

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It was 5 til 10. I walked into the alley that Andrea told me to meet her in. Next thing I know, Andrea and her brother are standing in the alley too.
"Let's get this over with," I said.
Andrea said something to me that I wouldn't ever repeat in a million years.
Next thing I know, Andrea's brother had me pinned up against a wall punching me in the stomach, the face, everywhere. I was curled up against the wall waiting to get kicked when I heard a deep voice.
"Get your hands off her," he growled. It was Avi.
Next I hear a voice yelling in Nigerian. It was my dad! They were coming save me!
"Andrea," I heard Scott say.
"H-How do you know my name?" She asked, very scared.
"You don't want to know," Kirstie said.
Mitch came and picked me up and carried me to the car. As I looked over Mitch's shoulder I saw Kevin talking to Andrea's older brother. It didn't look like a friendly conversation. Then I blacked out.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MITCH's POV
I was supposed to carry Kyra out to the car and drive her home. I set her down in the car and asked her if she was doing okay. She didn't answer. I turned around and realized that she had passed out. We had been driving for 15 minutes and I guessed that Kevin and the others were already on their way home. I called Kevin.
"Kevin," I said, "Kyra passed out in the backseat and I don't know what to do."
"Take her home," Kevin said, "Put some ice on her head and I'll take care of her when I get there."
I drove as fast as I could without breaking the law too much. Once we got home I carried her up to her bed. She weighed nothing and that's coming from a short guy. I grabbed the Bandaids and the ice packs and went back into Kyra's room. I checked her stomach and it was horribly bruised. To be honest, it made me want to throw up. I laid a couple of ice packs on it and I pulled her shirt back down. I put bandages on her arms and face. I hated seeing her like this. It reminded me of when I was bullied in school. I was never beat up this badly, though.
"Mitch..." Kyra's voice was raspy, "What happened? Last thing I remember, Kevin was talking to Andrea's older brother then I blacked out."
"I took you home," I said, "Your dad and the others are on their way home right now."
"Okay," Kyra said, "Thank you."
"Oh honey, this is no time to be thanking me," I said, "I'm just glad that you are okay."
Kyra started to sit up, but then she screamed in pain. She lied back down and checked her stomach. It had turned black and blue all over.
I was expecting Kyra to pass out or something, but instead, she just pulled her shirt back down. "Mitch," she said, "I need some more ice packs." I ran downstairs to get her more ice packs. Just as I did, Kevin came in and ran up to Kyra's room. I got some more ice packs and walked upstairs.
Kevin was checking Kyra's stomach as I came in.
"I brought more ice packs," I said.
"Great," Kevin said, "put one here and here." I did what he said because he studied medicine at Yale. That's a lot more than I learned in health class 7th grade year.
I went downstairs to grab Kirstie, so she could help Kyra get ready for bed.
"Kirst, Kyra needs you upstairs," I said, "Don't freak out, but Kyra is black and blue everywhere. I just wanted to give you a heads up."
"Thanks, Mitchie," she said, "I'm really worried about her."
"Kevin said that she should be okay by tomorrow night," I said.
"Okay," she said, "Goodnight."
"Goodnight," I said. Scott was sleeping in the recliner. I fell asleep on the couch.

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