Chapter 16

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Today is the day we leave for tour! It took me hours to pack my 4 suitcases. We threw the suitcases in the back of Avi's truck and we drove to the place where we were meeting the tour bus. Dad was snuggling me in the backseat. We were both tired because it was 4 am. Avi was probably the worst person to drive the truck, because he was exhausted. I couldn't believe that I was going on tour with Pentatonix! We were five minutes from where we were meeting the tour bus. Dad gave me a kiss on the head.
"You excited?" He asked, I nodded sleepily, "That's good, because I'm excited too! Can you believe that you have only lived with me for a month?"
"No," I said, "I feel like it's been longer. I feel like I know you better than I would know someone if I lived with them for just a month." We discussed it a little more and before we knew it we were at the tour bus and Mitch was banging on our window. I opened it.
"HI!" He squealed, hugging us both.
"How many cups of coffee did you have this morning?" I asked.
"5 or 6," he said, not joking around.
"It's 4:30, Mitch," Dad said, "How can you be this hyper, even if you did have 5 or 6 cups of coffee.
"I'm just super excited for tour and to have such an amazing singer with us," he said, hugging me through the window.
"I heard amazing singer," Kirstie said, "So I immediately came."
"Haha. Very funny," Mitch said, sarcastically, "But I was talking about Kyra." I giggled at Mitch's sarcasm.
Jeremy came over the car after getting all of Kirstie's bags out of the car. "Am I missing all of the action?" He asked. He was holding Olaf, who was the cutest thing on planet Earth. He saw how I was looking at Olaf. "Do you want to hold him?" I nodded and he handed Olaf to me.
The adults talked about boring adult stuff while I played with Olaf and took selfies with him.
After about 10 minutes of playing with Olaf, it was time to get my stuff on the bus. Jeremy and Kirstie said goodbye to each other as Dad, Avi, and I got on the bus. Dad went to the bathroom as soon as he put his stuff down on a bunk.
Scott was already lying on a bunk with all of his stuff unpacked when we got on the bus. "Hey!" He said, giving me a side hug. He squeezed my rib without knowing it. I hadn't told any of them other than Avi yet, so it's not like he should have known. I screamed in pain, just as Mitch and Kirstie were getting on the bus.
Kirstie and Mitch dropped their stuff and ran over to me. "Are you okay?" He asked, "What hurts? Do you need your dad?"
"It's my rib," I said, "I fractured it in the fight. I have to wear a brace for a couple of months."
"Sorry," Scott said, "I'll be more careful. Come here." I walked over to him and he gave me a hug, avoiding the spot where it hurt.
I set up on the top bunk across from Kirstie and above Dad. Dad walked out of the bathroom. "Ky," he said, "Why don't you go on the bottom, it will be easier to get to if your rib hurts."
"Okay," I said, "I was just going to be across from Kirstie."
"I'll move down to the bottom with you!" Kirstie said.
"Thanks!" I said, smiling at her, "It will be nice to have a girl around. These two are too weird and boyish." I pointed at Dad and Avi.
"Hey!" Avi said, "I thought you enjoyed our conversations about dragons!"
"I was kidding!" I said. Avi rolled his eyes and laid down, smiling.
I finished unpacking and lied down with an extra pillow under my rib. I had stayed up until 1:00 am making sure I had everything, and I had to get up at 3:00 am this morning. I fell asleep instantly.
I woke up a couple of hours later. I looked over at Kirstie's bunk, but she wasn't there. Then, I saw that she, Dad, Scott, Mitch, and Avi were talking in the front part of the bus. I was about to get up when I heard my name.
"I'm just so worried about her," Dad said.
"Me too," Mitch said. Were they crying? I wanted to know what they were talking about, so I acted like I was asleep and kept listening.
"Her being skinny could be affecting her health in a bad way," Avi said.
"She is really underweight for her age," Kirstie said.
"It also makes her really self conscious," Scott said.
"It takes her so long to heal because she is so thin," Dad said, "If something bad were to happen, she could be injured for a long time."
"There isn't much fatty gluten-free foods," Mitch said, "It's not like she can gain weight easily."
"What if we just had her eat bigger servings so she could maybe get a little bit more food in her," Scott said.
"We don't want her to eat too much and feel miserable," Avi said.
"What about the fans?" Kirstie asked, "They are obviously going to notice that she isn't very healthy, so they will ask questions. What do we tell them?"
"We don't tell them anything," Dad said, "If they comment mean things on our social medias we can just delete it or block them."
"What if they don't like me?" I said as I walked to the front of the bus, "What if they think that I am just a STUPID, SKINNY, UGLY, ANOREXIC WHO IS JUST LOOKING FOR ATTENTION?"
"Why would you say that?" Mitch asked a he pulled me onto his lap.
"That's what everyone at school would say," I said, "They would pull me into a corner and beat me up as they told me these things. They would put notes in my locker with all of those words and more on them. They would force food in my mouth that I was allergic to and not let me get my Epi-Pen. I eventually didn't even go to lunch. I had no friends to sit with and there was no food that I could eat. I knew that if I was in there and I wasn't eating anything that they would call me all of those words. I eventually started thinking of myself like that, because all of those words were ingrained into my mind. I don't want things like that to happen again."
"We would never let anyone talk to you that way," Avi said, "We all love you. We will never let anyone hurt you ever again."
"How is your rib feeling?" Mitch said, trying to change the subject.
"It hurts really bad," I said. I didn't even try to lie about it. I was too exhausted.
"You wanna lay down?" Mitch asked, "I'll come snuggle with you."
"Okay," I said, "But can you carry me? I don't know if I can walk."
"Of course!" He said. He picked me up and carried me over to my bunk. He crawled in behind me and snuggled with me until we were both asleep.
"I love you, Mitch," I said.
"I love you too," He kissed my forehead and I fell asleep.

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