Chapter 18

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"I want you-oo-oo," Mitch sang.
We started our concert and sang through about half of our songs. I had just played my cello medley and I put my cello backstage.
"Okay," I said as I walked back onstage, "We have a surprise for you!" The fans started screaming their heads off. I looked over at Kyra and she was smiling.
"So about a month ago," I continued, "I made a decision that changed my life forever and the crazy thing is, none of the other members of PTX even knew that I was thinking about it. So are you guys ready for the surprise?" The fans screamed and cheered, "Come on out Kyra!" I yelled.
Kyra walked out onto the stage and waved. She was smiling her heart out. "Hi guys!" She said. All of the fans looked kind of confused.
"Guys," I said, "This is my adopted daughter, Kyra." The fans were shocked. The arena was silent for a few seconds until someone started cheering and it caught on. There was a lot of "I love you Kyra" and "She's so pretty."
"Hi," she said, "I'm Kyra. I'm 13. My Dad adopted me about a month ago. I like to sing, play cello, play piano, and play guitar. I have been a fan of PTX ever since they were on the Sing-Off in 2011 and I am so excited to be here!" The fans cheered and screamed. Kyra was blushing.
"Okay, Kyra," Mitch said off mic, "1, 2, 3, 4."
Eat, sleep and breathe that you're full of the stuff
Go back and tie up tight
Wheat-meat-dairy-free, tee total,
Happy clappy high on life
You should try it,
You should know (you should know)
You should know
Go on while no one's looking
A-ha! Caught you now!
Caught you red handed in the biscuit tin!
Cost you to keep me quiet
Golden boy boots
Pocket pedestal
Making sharp smart moves
Plastic, tin can, paper, separated
Busy bee wave, wave 'Save The Planet' flag
But sneaky in suburbia
A-ha! Candid camera!
Hook, line and sinker
For the four-wheel drive
Cost you to keep me quiet!
Keep me quiet!

Just then, Kyra hit a whistle note that harmonized perfectly. We all just stared at her. We had never practiced that and she just did it, effortlessly. All of the fans started screaming and cheering for her halfway through the song. She was smiling so big. I had never seen her this happy.
We finished the song and the entire stadium started screaming and cheering.
Kyra was perfect throughout the entire concert. She even picked the chair girl!
After we did Daft Punk in the encore, we were about to go offstage when Kyra said, "Before you go I have a surprise. The rest of the band doesn't even know that I am doing this. I wrote a song and I am going to play it on the cello and sing it." I turned around and looked at my cello set up with a microphone at Kyra's height.
Kirstie looked at me and mouthed 'Did you know about this?' I shook my head.
"I was lost and broken hearted.
I had nowhere to go.
I was giving up on trying.
I had lost all hope.
But then you came and found me.
You carried me away.
You pulled me from the darkness.
Pulled me from my pain.
This is what happy feels like.
Never giving up on hope.
This is what happy feels like.
I found my way to cope.
This is what happy feels like.
Being together, you and me.
This is what happy feels like.
Now I feel so free.
This is what happy feels like.
This is what happy feels like." She finished the song and the whole stadium cheered their hearts out. Kirstie, Mitch, and I were crying. Scott and Avi both shed a couple of tears, but I think that I was the only one who noticed. Kyra accepted her applause, ran over to me, and hugged me. I couldn't have been more proud of her.
We all said goodbye to the fans and went backstage. We had 10 minutes until our meet and greet. "Kyra," I said, "I am so proud of you!"
"Thanks!" She said, "I wrote that about you and the rest of PTX." That made me so happy.
"I love you so much!" I said.
"I love you too, Dad!" She said.
Scott peeked his head in the room. He looked like he was going to say something, but he saw us hugging and started to walk out. "You already ruined the moment, Scott," Kyra said, "You might as well come in." Scott playfully hit Kyra on the shoulder.
"Time to go to the meet and greet," he said. Kyra and I followed him down the hallway to where we were having the meet and greet. A bunch of fans were already gathered, being held back by security guards. Scott, Kyra, and I all sat down and the fans started coming towards the table. I was taking pictures and autographing things (including foreheads.)
I glanced over at Kyra and she seemed to be doing fine until I heard Scott and Mitch yelling at a boy who looked like he was about 15. "STOP TALKING TO HER LIKE THAT!" Mitch yelled.
"YEAH," Scott said, "IT'S NOT LIKE WE ARE ASKING YOU WHY YOU ARE SO FAT. GET OUT!" The kid rolled his eyes and cussed at Scott and Mitch.
"Eat something, anorexic," He said.
"Back off," I bellowed.
"Fine," the kid said, "But your daughter is the ugliest girl that I have ever seen." That's when Kyra got up and sprinted to the dressing room. Kirstie ran after her.
"The meet and greet is over," Avi said, "I'm sorry." I ran to the dressing room to find Kirstie sitting outside.
"Why aren't you in there?" I asked.
"She locked the door," Kirstie said, "She hasn't even made any noise."
"Kyra," I yelled, "Open up or else I am going to break down the door." No answer. "1," I said, no answer, "2," still no answer, "3." I knocked down the door, but Kyra was nowhere to be seen.
"Kyra!" I yelled, "Where are you?" There was no answer, but I heard some faint crying. I followed the crying to the closet where Kyra was sitting on the floor.
"Ky," I said, sitting down next to her, "What did he say to you?"
"He told me that I was a ugly, skinny, anorexic just looking for attention," she said, "He said that you just adopted me for media attention and that no one really loves me."
"Kyra, I adopted you because I love you and nothing could ever change that," I said.
"Thanks, Dad," she sobbed, "C-Can I talk to Kirstie?"
"Of course," I said, "Stay right here while I go grab her."
I got up and walked towards Kirstie. "She wants you in the closet," I said without making eye contact. Luckily, she didn't ask any questions.
I walked out to where we were holding the meet and greet. It was all cleared out except for a couple of security guards and Avi. "Where are Scott and Mitch?" I asked.
"Do you really want to know?" Avi asked.
"Where are they?" I yelled.
"They are out in the alley talking to that boy who was being mean to Kyra. I don't think I really don't want to hear why they are saying," Avi said.
"That kid is such a jerk," I said, angrily, "Kyra is a mess in there. I just want to beat that kid up."
"Already done," Mitch said as he walked inside, "Scott and I were trying to be peaceful and talk it out, but the kid was being such a jerk that I punched him in the eye. He ran like the wind after that. Where did Kyra run off to?"
"In the closet in the first dressing room on the right. Kirstie is in there with her now," I said. Mitch ran down towards the dressing room.
"Man, that kid is horrible," Scott said, "He was cussing up a storm and he threw a few punches at us, but we blocked them. I was-"
Mitch cut him off. "Kev, it's an emergency!"
I sprinted down the hall to find Kirstie sitting in the dressing room holding Kyra and crying.
"S-Sh-She are something with gluten in it and I don't know where we Epi-Pen is. She's hardly breathing." Kirstie said.
"Mitch, call 911!" I said, "Kirst, go check in Kyra's bag or anything that she brought in with her! I'll hold her until the paramedics get here."
About a minute and a half later, Kirstie ran in, "I found the Epi-Pen!" She injected the Epi-Pen into Kyra's arm. Just then Mitch ran in with the paramedics. I followed them to the ambulance and hopped in the back. I prayed that Kyra would be okay.

Adopted By Kevin OlusolaWhere stories live. Discover now