Chapter 40 (Wow! Chapter 40?!)

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It had been a week since the whole kidnapping and shooting ordeal and everything was pretty much back to normal.
Dad, Avi, and I were just chilling out at the house when Esther called.
"Yo, sis," Avi said as he picked up the phone, "Wait, what? Oh my gosh! Yeah! We are getting ready! Okay! Bye!"
Avi turned to Dad and I, "We have to be at the airport in an hour! We are flying to New York for our performance on the Tonight Show tomorrow!"
"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot!" Dad and I yelled at the same time.
We all ran upstairs and packed a suitcase really fast. It took me about 3 minutes to pack my suitcase, compared to Dad and Avi taking 10 minutes. Foster kid skills, I guess.
Once we were done packing, we drove to the airport and met Esther in the lobby, along with the rest of the band.
We grabbed some Einstein Bros. Bagels for breakfast (a/n oh, I want one of those right now!) and went to our gate. We still had two hours until our plane was taking off, but Esther wanted to be extra early and cautious.
I sat down at one of the desk things that you could charge your phone at. I turned on Light in the Hallway, which Dad and Avi had written about me.
Suddenly, I felt two light taps on my shoulder. I spun around really fast, thinking it was Mitch, but I saw a girl who was about my age.
"Oh," I said, pushing my light blonde hair behind my ear, nervously, "I'm sorry!"
"Oh! It's okay!" The girl said, "My name is Gaja and I'm a huge fan of PTX! Could I get a picture with you?"
"Of course!" I said, "Wait one second."
I turned and yelled at Dad, "Hey dad! Can you bring the rest of the band over here? This super sweet Pentaholic wants a picture with us!"
"Oh!" Gaja said, "I don't need a picture with all of you!"
"It's totally fine!" I said.
The rest of the band walked up and greeted Gaja.
We took a picture with her and we chatted for a while. We became best friends almost instantly! I found out that she was on a trip to California from Europe. We exchanged numbers before she got on her flight.
"That was fun!" Mitch said soon as Gaja had walked to her gate.
"Yeah! She was really sweet!" I said, "We ex----"
"LET'S GET STARBUCKS!!!!!" Kirstie interrupted me, running and jumping on Mitch's back and knocking him over.
"Kirstin Taylor Maldonado!" Mitch yelled, angrily.
"Sorrrrryyyyyyyy," Kirstie said, slightly concerned, but still wanting Starbucks.
Mitch got up, pulled out his phone camera and fixed his hair.
He turned off his phone and looked at Kirstie and I just standing there.
"Well, are we going, or not?" He asked.
"Yay!" Kirstie and I said.
The three of us linked arms and started skipping down the moving walkway when we heard Scott yelling at us.
"Where are you guys going?" He asked, running to catch us.
"Starbucks!" Kirstie, Mitch, and I yelled in sync.
"Wait! I'm coming!" Scott yelled after us.
He caught up to us and linking arms with us on the abnormally wide moving walkway.
We eventually made it to Starbucks and ordered our drinks. I got a Salted Caramel Mocha Frappuccino, one of my favorite things about fall.
After We got our drinks and three for Esther, Avi and Dad, we started to walk back to our gate.
We ended up sitting at our gate for about 5 minutes before Mitch and I got bored.
"We should do something," Mitch said.
"I agree," I replied.
"What should we do?" Mitch asked.
"Ooh!" I said, suddenly thinking of something, "I've got an idea."
"I'm listening," Mitch said, sounding interested.
"We have to go around the airport playing truth or dare."
"That sounds fun!" Kirstie said, coming up behind us, "Can I join?"
Mitch and I looked at each other, then turned to Kirstie, "Of course!" We said, simultaneously.
"What are you doing?" Scott said, walking over with Avi.
"We're playing truth or dare around the airport because we still have over an hour until our flight boards," Mitch said.
"Sounds fun!" Avi said, "Esther, Kev, You guys want to play?"
"I'll stay here and make sure that we are on time for our flight," Esther said.
"And I'm keeping her company," Dad said.
"Okay then!" I said, "Let's go!"
We walked around until we were by baggage claim.
"Mitch, you choose first," Scott said.
"Okay," Mitch says, eyeing us all, "Kyra, truth or dare?"
"Dare!" I said.
"Okay," Mitch said, "You have to get in Avi's giant duffle bag with your head sticking out, sit on the baggage claim, and ride it around yelling 'little help here?'"
"Oh my gosh, Mitch," I said.
"Here's my bag!" Avi said.
Kirstie and Mitch helped me get in the bag. Then Avi put me up on the baggage claim.
Mitch got his phone out and started videoing me as a wave of people flooded in awaiting their bags.
I decided it was now or never.
"Little help here?" I said, but no one heard me.
"Little help here," I shouted.
People started looking at me and laughing. Some even took pictures and videos of me. Normally this would bother me, but today it didn't. I was publicly humiliating myself, and I was having fun.
I rode around a few more times until I saw Gaja, the girl I met earlier, giving me a confused look.
"What are you doing?" She asked, running towards me.
"Oh, you know, just hanging out. What are you doing? I thought you were supposed to be on your flight."
"Oh," she said, "It got delayed because there was a connecting flight that hasn't arrived yet."
"That's cool!" I said, "Avi, Mitch, Scott, Kirstie, and I are playing truth or dare! Would you like to join us?"
"Sure!" Gaja said excitedly.
"Hey, Avi!" I said as I approached him on the baggage claim conveyor belt, "Little Help Here?"
Avi laughed and helped me down.
"Hey, Gaja!" Mitch said, "I thought you were on your way to Europe!"
"My flight got delayed," Gaja said, "And Kyra said I could hang with you guys!"
"Cool," Kirstie said, "Kyra, your turn."
"Gaja, truth or dare," I asked.
"Umm... Truth," she said, nervously.
"Hmm..." I said, trying to think of a good question, "Who do you have the biggest crush on in Pentatonix?"
"Uh... Um... This is embarrassing..." She said, nervously fidgeting with her hands, "Probably... Avi?"
Avi flipped his hair behind his shoulder and said, "It's the hair, isn't it?"
Gaja just laughed.
"Gaja, it's your turn to pick!" Mitch said.
"Okay, um, Scott, truth or dare?" Gaja said.
"Dare," Scott said, in a rebellious tone.
"Okay... You have to use the airport phone and prank call Esther."
We all walked towards the pay phones, and Scott got out 25 cents.
"Hello?" Esther said on the other line. I realized that Scott had YouTube pulled up on his phone to a Jimmy Fallon clip.
Scott held the speaker phone up to the receiver.
"Hello, I'm Jimmy Fallon!" The speaker of Scott's phone blasted into the receiver.
"Oh, um, hi!" Esther said, "Do you need information about the performance tonight?"
"No," another clip went into the phone, he was doing almost a mashup of a bunch of clips to make it sound like Esther was actually talking to Jimmy, "I am calling to tell you that the performance has been cancelled, due to a new performance being put on by hippos in tutu's."
"I-I don't understand," Esther said, taking short fast breaths.
"Esther! It's just me! Scott! We wanted to prank call you!"
No answer.
Still no answer.
"Oh no," Avi said suddenly, and started running towards our gate.
"What's going on?" I asked Scott.
"I don't know," he said.
Just then a voice came over the intercom, telling everyone that it was time to board Gaja's plane.
"It was nice meeting you!" I said to Gaja.
"You too!" She said, "I hope Esther is okay!"
"Thanks!" I said, trying to catch up with Mitch, who was hurrying towards our gate.
Just as I caught up to Mitch, I tripped over a water bottle someone had dropped and fell... Hard.
"Oh my gosh, Kyra!" Mitch said, helping me up, "Are you okay?"
I was about to respond "yes" when I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and foot.
"My... Ribs," I managed to squeak out.
"Oh no," Mitch said, "Let me help you up."
He basically dragged me to our gate where I saw dad hugging and comforting a crying Esther.
"Esther!" I said, "Are you okay?"
"She had a panic attack," Avi said.
"Was it because of the prank call?" I asked.
"No," dad piped in, "She saw someone that she used to know a-- wait why are you crying?"
He got up from the chair and walked over to where Mitch was holding me up. Avi sat down by Esther.
"I fell and hurt my ribs and ankle." I said, meekly.
"Oh, Kyra," Dad said, lifting me up into a chair.
And that was how the rest of the time at the airport went, just sitting.
----(time skip)----
The performance on the Tonight Show went great, but we had to leave right away. We got home at 3am and all crashed. The album had come out at midnight, and we already had sold a bunch of copies.
Everything was going great, but Dad told Avi and I that he had some news to share with us when we woke up, and by the tone of his voice, it sounded important.
Hi! I know I'm the worst person ever, but the last few months have been CRAZY!!!!! I want to give tons of shoutouts and I have some big news, so keep reading!
I want to give a shoutout to:
lilmzomi , aviouslyptxisbae , and clavalles for putting this book on their reading lists.
golden_girl_fanfics for voting for a bunch of chapters.
And as always:
GajaSlevec who inspired the character, Gaja in this chapter, and is great at moral support!
I will be ending this book at chapter 50 on March 19! I know that it's sad, but I feel like I should move onto some more serious writing! I have two books in the making right now, so I am planning to start updating as soon as I edit them!
Let's try to get this to 5k reads by March and I will post a video of me singing the song that Kyra wrote in this book, This is What Happy Feels Like!
I love you all!
Be expecting updates, because I'm on Christmas Break!
Merry Christmas!

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