chapter three

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We've bought way too much for us three to eat, but I don't care. I just was in the mood for something salty, sweet, drinks and they had a new veggie wrap on the menu, that Kara just had to get. So I just got one for each me and Clay, too.

At least we're getting fat together.

I park the car right in front of Clay's childhood house as it's already getting darker outside.

I didn't even realize how late it got. Kara and I must have been hiking for hours.

We make our way to Clay's door. Both fully packed with food and drinks, trying to not let anything fall down on the ground.

"You ring", I demand towards Kara, as I don't have a free hand. She doesn't either but listens. She groans, tries to balance the bags in her hands and then pushes the doorbell.

Then we wait.

And wait.

We actually had to wait for way too long.

Kara had already rung two more times now.

"Maybe he isn't home", Kara says.

I refuse to believe that. "Where would that douchebag be right now?", I ask rhetorically, even though I wonder where the rest of his family is. But he must be at home. The only time Clay leaves his room, not to mention his house, is when Kara and I dragged him out every couple of days in the week – at least when we used to live here.

"Are you sure he isn't live anymore?", I ask, now getting annoyed that we just stand here, looking like idiots, waiting in front of Clay's door.

Kara decides to put everything she got in her hands down the floor to pull out her phone and open Twitch.

Then she shakes her head a 'No'.

I let out a tormented moan. "Okay, let's just ring one more time and if we still don't get an answer we just drive back home and eat alone."

I try to sound optimistic, but I'm actually kind of sad Clay isn't there. Plus – there's no way we can eat all that food, just Kara and me.

Kara rings again and then starts to pick up all the items she left on the doormat. I watch her, regretting that I didn't put my stuff down for all the time we've waited.

That's the most sport I did in months.

We wait a couple of moments, but still nothing happens.

"Let's go then, I guess", I mumble and turn.

Just as we walked two steps away, I hear a noise from behind me. The door opens.

Then I hear his voice.

"What the heck are you doing here?!" Clay sounds confused.

I spin around and start to grin as I see him leaning against the doorframe.

He only wears grey sweatpants and a white T-Shirt. Pretty normal.

But on him... It just looks... Omg stop it!

"Not happy to see us?", I ask mischievous, getting rid of my thoughts.

"Yeah. And what took you so long...? We even brought food!", Kara shouts from next to me.

Clay turns around for a moment just to look back at us again. "But I told you, I don't have time", he says, sounding irritated.

"Yeah, we know, but we looked on Twitch and it said, you weren't live anymore, so we just thought we would surprise you... with our appearance", I grin towards him.

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