chapter nine

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I wake up, because of a noise beside me.

I can't seem to be able to open my eyes at first. I feel that there is sun in my face, coming from the window in Clay's room.

Clay's room. I'm in Clay's room. In his bed. Oh... fuck me...

I feel all memories from last night flashing over me. The game, the kiss, the... sex. The everything.

I sit up, totally straight.

Did that really happen? It happened. I remember it. All. Everything.

Me and Clay - we fucked. We fricking had sex. He... he made me cum. I made him cum. We... I'm not a virgin anymore.

"You up?"

I look to the side, from which the noise came. It's Clay. Shirtless. Well, about to put a shirt on. He's standing right in front of his closet, already wearing sweats and now searching for a shirt.

"You okay?", he asks, smirking at me.

Oh my god. I stared at him, right? I stared at him for too long.

"I-", I start, but not knowing at all what to say. At all.

Do I have to say anything... I mean, about it? Do people talk about it afterwards? Like, is that a thing people do? I've fucking never been in this position. I guess, I'll just let him talk.

I put my hands to my hair, only to find a very loose hair tie in it. I put it on my wrist and start brushing through my hair with my fingers, then making a bun. I glance at Clay while doing so. I try to read his face. What does he think?

I immediately turn as Clay faces me. Fuck. Why do I keep staring at him?

Clay must have still seen me, because as I slowly turn back to him, he has a bright grin on his face. Damn.

Then he walks up to me and sits down on the end of the bed.

I grab the blanket, pressing on it with my fingers. I look at Clay in suspense, not knowing what is going to happen.

He stares down - down at the bed. His eyes blink way too much for a normal pattern and his hands can't seem to calm down. Okay, I'm not the only one, who doesn't know what to say.

I keep looking at Clay, my heart beating faster with every second he doesn't say anything. Come on, dude... just fucking speak. Please!

Then he clears his throat. "I- I guess we, uhm, should...", he says, voice unsteady.

Suddenly, I feel some kind of panic coming over me. So, he does want to talk. But what will he say? What do I want to say? What if he feels totally different about this all than me? Wait... how do I even feel about it?!

Clay doesn't give me time to think, even though he himself still is playing with his hands, looking totally insecure. "About... about yesterday, you know..., I thought..."

"Clay, honey! We're home!"

We both freeze. Clay instantly jumps up, getting away from me. His parents are home. They are home and they are downstairs. And I'm sure, they won't hesitate to come upstairs.

Fuck... how? Why?! I swear if his mother finds me here, I will gladly just die right here right now.

I hear Clay swear under his breath, walking up and down in his room. Me, still sitting in Clay's bed, start searching for my phone to see what time it is. Then I remember – it's probably still in the other room and I didn't take it with me as we... switched to here.

I panic, still searching for the time. Clay is at least better prepared than I am, because I find a clock on the nightstand on the other side of the bed. Wait... it's already noon. How?! I mean, I don't know when we... went to bed, but still... noon?!

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