chapter twenty-five (smut)

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I don't ring the doorbell.

It's already late and I decided to text Clay anyway when I'm there.

The message is already read, and I just wait a few more seconds until the door in front of me opens quickly.

I look up, only to get absolutely surprised by my sight. Clay... with his sweats... and shirtless. Well, that is a view.

I catch myself totally staring at his bare chest and his arms – one slightly flexed as he's holding onto the side of the door.

That just isn't fair... though he said he spilled his drink, right? So, it's actually my "fault".

"Hi." Clay's voice makes me finally look up into his face, stopping my gazing.

I clear my throat, trying to say something back. "Hey." I sound ridiculous. I don't even know why, but it feels like I do.

A slight dimple appears on Clay's face, his eyes searching my face. "Wanna get inside?", he then asks, making room for me to pass through the door.

I don't give him any kind of response except a slight smile and just enter, grazing Clay's arm a bit as I walk – not on purpose though, I swear.

My mind is rushing as I take off my coat and shoes, trying to think of something to say. I actually grant myself quite some time, but as I turn again, Clay is not where I last saw him – he's heading to the kitchen.

I watch him in the dimmed light in the house as he's opening the fridge now. His chest gets lighten up by its brightness from inside.

I'm kind of getting nervous as Clay keeps searching in the fridge and just leaves me standing here.

I told him why I'm coming over... so what is he doing?!

"You want something?" Clay looks at me, holding up a bottle with something to drink.

My mouth opens slightly, still a bit confused with my arms just hanging at my side. "Uhm-", I start, but then I see this grin on his face.

Is he playing with me?

I tilt my head, my mouth opening wider into a grin and my brows rise. "You're serious right now?", I ask, smile only getting bigger.

I can actually see Clay suppressing his grin as he shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah", he mumbles, trying to seem for real.

I take a step forward even if we're still separated a long way. I breathe in, holding the eye-contact between us. "Clay", I say.


I still can't believe his grinning face. He has fun messing with me – I know that now.

"Clay", I start again, wanting his full attention after he looked away to close the door of the fridge. "I came over here for one reason and one reason only." I take a pause, playing with my tongue in my mouth. "So if you don't mind... I'm going upstairs."

I raise my brows at his now even wider grin, but don't wait any longer than that. I just turn on my heels and directly steer towards the stairs, bringing me upstairs. The only thing I hear is a chuckle from the kitchen.

But I don't let myself stop the movement and take the stairs. Upstairs, I walk past some closed doors and then enter Clay's room. I turn on the lights and mostly shut the door behind me – only leaving a slight opening for the light to escape into the hallway.

I kind of don't know what to do now.

I just stand there, looking through the room – until they rest on the desk next to me.

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