chapter twelve

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It's New Year's Eve.

New year, new me, right?

I actually don't know how I did it – these last days.

I thought with Kara coming back from her trip, things would get easier. But they didn't.

I had to build up a totally imaginary story, just in my mind, for her to believe where that hickey came from. For god's sake, I had to build up this story around Isaac – making him the guy who sucked on my neck instead of Clay... who actually did it.

Plus, I now have to live with this story – and Kara doesn't let me forget it. The only thing I could do was at least making Isaac and my "thing" not that big. Just a hickey – nothing more. Not what actually happened between me and Clay.

Clay... I haven't really had a chance to really talk to him since Kara... interrupted us. I mean, we met up – but with Kara, so we didn't really talk.

He also didn't text me. I mean, I could have, but I guess..., what is there to say? We agreed to not tell Kara anything and then I came up with the Isaac story, which I called "a mistake" in front of her. And Clay just went with the story too, I guess... Plus, there are already two people knowing what happened on Christmas Eve, which wasn't our plan.

Sapnap... Nick instantly added me on Discord and George followed one day later. Now I constantly get send eggplant and peach emojis. Classic.

"Could you hand me the lipstick?"

I turn and see Kara's hand stretched out.

I shake myself. "Yeah", I mumble, handing her what she asked for and look back at the mirror. "I still don't know if I should go with black or blue."

Kara turns herself on the chair and looks up to me. She is already dressed.

We've met an hour ago to get ready for the party tonight. One of our friends at home is hosting and Kara and I wanted to look our best – that's why she stood in front of my door with five different dresses in her hands.

"Whose idea was it anyway to dress elegantly?", I pout as I turn in front of the mirror, right now wearing the black dress.

"Come on! Dress codes are cool. And it's a Las Vegas theme – that's fun!", Kara explains to me as she applies her lipstick.

I shrug my shoulders. "I guess... But for real now, black or blue?"

Kara finishes her makeup, stands up and comes towards me. "Let me see... Make a twirl."

I do so.

"Well, your ass looks good in that one..."

"I've been thinking the same thing, yeah."

"But the blue one... it makes your eye's pop."

I turn to the blue dress hanging on the side of my closet. It does make my eyes pop. And it's pretty. And I haven't worn it so far. And my ass looks great anyway...

It's a short, silk dress in a strong blue. It's pretty normal in the front, but has a beautiful laced back.

"It's the blue one, right?", I ask Kara, smiling.

She nods. "Yes. The black one... it's good..., but the blue one... yeahhh."

I laugh and start unbuttoning the dress I'm wearing in order to change.

"So, you're excited for tonight?", I ask Kara, while changing, making conversation.

She chuckles. "Actually yeah. I mean, it's the first time really partying since... Jax and I broke up, so..."

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