chapter seven

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"NO! No that was Kara's fault. I- I would have NEVER done that!", I scream.

"You totally jumped out of that window. Man, I've seen it!", Clay talks back.

I pause for a second. "Well, stillllll... it's Kara's fault, okay? She made me do it. She made me decide between giving Evan a lap dance or jumping out the window, sooo...", I laugh. "I had to!", I add, after Clay gives me a weird grin.

"Oh, come on! Evan would have been totally cool with it. We both know how he is", Clay explains.

"Still no! And anyways, jumping out the window seemed totally acceptable after a few drinks", I giggle, almost spilling my drink over myself right now.

Clay and I both sit on the couch. After a few shots and playing 'Just Dance' we decided it's time to sit down again. We first began talking about both our times away from each other, what we haven't exchanged so far, but switched pretty fast to other stories. Other stories meaning my stupid decisions due to the influence of alcohol.

"So, you're gonna jump out of the window today, too?", Clay asks wheezing.

I grimace. "Come on, I'm not that drunk!", I defend myself, even though I know that's not true. Shots work magic for me and I'm already on my second glass of cocktail.

"You sure?", Clay grins.

"YES!" I nod eagerly, trying to show how much control of myself I still have. "And besides...", I add. "You're not Mr. Sober yourself." I point my finger at Clay, who's already on his third glass.

"What?! I am totally in control!", he defends himself.

I finish my glass and put it on the table, then looking at Clay again. "Maybe for now... But remember the time you barfed in your neighbors' pool at three in the morning? Because I remember clearly as it would have been yesterday!"

"Damn, that was one year ago!"

"Dude, you threw up and then went to sleep in your garden! We had to carry you inside, because we couldn't wake you up!"

Clay laughs and grabs my class. "You clearly need another drink – you remember way too much!"

"No, wait, I need a pause, I can't anymore", I protest and let myself dramatically fall down on the couch, so I'm laying on it – facing the ceiling.

Clay, who's already standing to get me another drink turns around. "No. You can't get weak already! We have a lot to drink. You promised me, we would finish all the bottles."

"Yeah... That was when I though Kara still was here to help us, dumbass!"

We're only two hours in our party, but I already know that we can't finish all the alcohol. There are still way too many bottles sealed. Plus, there is a lot of beer, which I absolutely hate, and Clay can't drink that all alone.

I already feel the alcohol in my blood, making me all giggly and excited. Normally, I know my limit for drinking, but if I'm in a drinking-mood I seem to oversee it quite often. And I seriously don't want to throw up in Clay's house. What would his mom think if she found out?!

Suddenly a drink appears right over my head – me grabbing it instantly.

"What's that", I ask, sitting up again and smelling the drink Clay made me.

He lets himself sit back on the couch again, also with a new drink in his hand. "Just try it", he simply says.

I roll my eyes but listen. I guide the glass to my mouth and taste a bit of the drink. To my surprise it's not a disgusting mix, Clay makes me drink. It's actually pretty good. It tastes kind of coconutty with a bit of banana... and a lot of alcohol.

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