chapter twenty-seven

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It's already kind of dark outside as we arrive at our old high school – now walking towards a back entrance, which Clay seems to know well.

The door opens without any problem.

I raise my brows. "Huh... this is not safe at all", I mumble, knowing that this is not an official entrance – it is actually located next to the gym and should probably only be used by the janitor... and most of all, it should be locked.

Clay gives me an amused smile as we enter through the door and finally get out of the rain. It's not that heavy anymore, but we still ran from the parking lot till here to not get that soaked. "There's nothing safe about this school", Clay whispers back as we enter the non-lit, small hallway.

"Maybe that's also why they renovate."


I giggle, but almost get a heart attack as the light turns on.

For a second, I thought we were already caught, but then I see Clay's hand on a light switch. I immediately punch his arm. "Seriously Clay?!", I hiss at him, but still try to stay quiet. "Want to make it more obvious that we're here?!"

"Relax", he chuckles and makes his way forward through the hallway and I follow him – even if it's a bit hesitant. "There's exactly no one here except the football team. And they are all outside on the field." I give him a doubting look, so he adds something. "Trust me, I know."

I don't know where exactly he would have that kind of information from, but I decide to count on his words. And I at least get to say 'I told you so' if we get caught.

He must probably still know from his time – I mean, he played. But I seriously don't remember this being a huge part of his life. He never talked about practice. I don't even know if he went that regularly. I instead did everything the correct way – just how it was expected from me. I did make a fuss about high school. Even if it now all seems so unnecessary after the work I have to do in college.

I follow Clay further into the hallway. His hair is a bit wet, because of the rain before and I feel that mine are also a bit damp. It feels cold on my head – the school really has no kind of temperature-control in here.

But I immediately forget everything I just thought about the second we walk around the corner – now entering one of the main hallways.

My steps stop and I turn my head in a circle as a wave of nostalgia hits me.

I can't believe it. I haven't entered any part of this school in almost two years, since I graduated... but this now... It brings up so many memories.

I liked school... I really did. I mean, I wasn't ever doing that bad or anything, but that's not what it has been about. I liked school because I could see my friends every day... and well, because I had a something to work for in life. Trying to be the best hasn't been that fun anymore since high school. Now it's mostly about passing and kind of finding the right way for yourself.

But this right now... it doesn't make me think about the stress, the pressure to be perfect (that no one gave me but myself) or all the times I spent studying... It makes me think of the times with my friends. Many of them went off to college – some close some more far away – and I now don't have the contact to them the same way I had earlier. School really gave you the chance to see all of your friends on a daily basis.

And at that time, I took that for granted... It isn't.

"I can't believe they're just destroying all of this", Clay says, already being a bit further down the hallway – looking around.

I follow him, passing along some lockers on the side. "I know", I mumble, feeling sad about it as well. "There is just so much- Oh, look!" I point at one part at the wall, my face brightening up.

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