chapter eight (smut)

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I stare at Clay. He's sitting right in front of me – smirking. 

I just...

"Kiss me", he says again.

My head rushes. He... Clay just dared me to kiss him. I can't really sort my thoughts right now because I'm totally drunk and don't really have a clear head, but... that I got.


I still just stare at him, realizing he is definitely not joking. But... it's a dare, right? It's just a stupid dare for truth or dare. It's all just fine. And anyway... it's a kiss.

Still, I hesitate. Should I then just... kiss him? Isn't it weird? We're friends...

But it's just a kiss.

But still!

We've never kissed. I have a lot of friends who kiss their guy friends, like, just for fun. Nothing behind it or anything... But I've never done that. I mean, I have, but mostly with guys I didn't really know and well, not with Clay... yet.

"What..., you're gonna do a shot for that? Really?" Clay realized my hesitation. I can't really read his expression on his face. I just... see his face. With his freckles and his eyes. Oh my god his goddamn eyes. Why are they so freaking... pretty?

But he's right, I could just do a shot. Nothing more. It's one shot... But it's also only one kiss, right?

It is. It's only one kiss. One kiss.

And that's exactly what Clay talked about that time in the car. I'm always confident with my words, but never with my actions.

"Oh, come on. You would have gone for it before, too", Clay says, looking me directly in my eyes. "Before... downstairs in the kitchen."

I freeze. So, he knew what he did there. He knew exactly what he was doing to me – how he... made me feel.

I don't really know if it's the alcohol in my blood, or the adrenaline rush Clay's dare gave me, or what he just said, or...

I just let my body lean forward, coming closer to him.

I feel his hand – at first brushing against my chin, then holding my jaw. His thumb pressing gently against my cheek.

It feels like shivers going through my whole body as our lips meet. My eyes fall shut as I just let this moment happen. It's soft and tender... at first.

I thought this moment would maybe last a second, maybe two, but... I still feel Clay's lips against mine, now pressing.

He doesn't stop it.

I don't stop it.

Even more – I like it. I like it a lot.

I start moving backwards, leading Clay with me by holding his neck, not breaking the kiss.

My whole body feels like it's burning. Heat. I feel it creeping through every vein, making my body shiver even stronger.

Clay's lips still are attached to mine, now moving more passionate, pressing his tongue against my lips, making me instantly open them for him. I can't help but moan against his tongue sliding in my mouth, making it play with mine with ease.

I whimper as Clay suddenly pulls back, still with his hand around my cheek. His face is right in front of mine – it's slightly red and moves with every breath he's taking.

He's searching my face, like he's looking for something, then stopping as he locks eyes with me. He looks... confused, overwhelmed.

"I-", he starts, voice low, trying to find words. Probably trying to explain himself... trying to address... this.

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