chapter five

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I wake up, my head still sleepy.

I could probably stay here for a couple more hours. My bed is warm and my room is chilly. I really don't want to feel the cold air on my skin, when I get out of my sheets.

Still, I yawn and stretch my hand up in the air, knowing I have to get up – I have a lot planned for today.

I reach for my phone on my nightstand, not finding it immediately. I turn for my head to look, where exactly I placed it. I don't see it.

With a hitch I sit up in my bed. Where did I put that damn thing?

I then find it, next to my pillow.

Oh right. We called yesterday, didn't we?

I grab my phone and press the buttons – nothing happens.

I curse to myself. I forgot to plug it to the charger yesterday.

I groan, not being able to see if I got any messages but plug my phone on now. I'll just let it charge now and check afterwards.

My body is still filled with tiredness, but I manage to stretch myself again and then get up.

My arms shiver as they're met with the chilly air aside from my sheets, but I try not to concentrate on that. I throw on a cardigan, which is hanging on my chair in my room.

My childhood room.

I haven't slept here in months, but now I'm here for probably over one month. Maybe almost two.

I open my door and get down the stairs into the living room.

I realize I have no idea what time it is, because my only clock is the one on my phone, which has denied my access.

Passing the living room to get into the kitchen I admire the big tree, standing there, already decorated in the prettiest colors there are. There are not any presents yet, but there will be tomorrow morning.

I'm not really a religious person, nor are my parents or my brother, but still, we like to celebrate these festivities. They are a chance for us four to meet up again – and with my dog. Just our little family back together.

Right now, there seems to be no one at home. Because it's the day of Christmas Eve, my parents shouldn't work, but as I also don't see my dog jumping at me, I assume they all went on a walk. Without me.

I'm not mad, I'm actually happy. Sure, it's a chance to catch up again in person, but I really needed the sleep last night. Especially because I came home so late. I'm happy my parents let me keep sleeping.

I enter the kitchen, glancing at the clock there, before I open the fridge to get some breakfast. I'm starving.

It's ten am. I'm actually pretty proud of myself, that I didn't sleep until noon and got up without any alarm at all.

I sit down to eat my granola with yoghurt and some berries and wait for my coffee to be done. I really don't understand how people can eat their cereal with milk – that shit is disgusting.

I really consider unplugging my phone now, so I can look at it while eating, but I decide that it is a stupid idea.

Why would I even want to look at it?

I know why, but even the thought about it is weird. Why would I care if he texted me? He probably also just fell asleep, and our call disconnected, when my battery went out. Or he just ended the call. That's even more realistic. Why would have stayed on the call?

He did not text me.

I shake my head and try to focus on anything else than that.

I go through the plans I made for today. I need to wrap up the gifts for my family and actually have to buy Clay a Christmas gift, because I totally forgot about that.

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