chapter thirty-five (smut)

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I get into the shower, already having the temperature set to a relaxing level.

I stripped off my clothes and after a quick look into the mirror, I now stand under the pouring water. I'm in the downstairs-bathroom again. I like the dark theme it has with the green ornaments.

For a moment, I'm just standing there under the showerhead – hoping that with the water washing over me, it eventually will wash away all my thoughts too. This weird feeling about me leaving and going back to college... let it just fade.

But of course, it doesn't. Maybe, it's even more present now.

I start moving, using my own shampoo this time. I explicitly watch for my hair to be fully washed – maybe because I wish for it to be a distraction from this heavy feeling in my chest.

Then at the same time, I only use a bit of conditioner and let it sit for some minutes. I comb my hair with my fingers before I start washing my body, my skin.

I let the water run the whole time. I know – maybe not the most ecological decision, but I just really need this right now.

Just as I finished soaping my body, there is a sound, which makes me turn around immediately.

My first reaction is to gasp as I see the door opening.

If this is Nick, I fucked up every single day I've been here.

But it isn't.

It's him – Clay.

I instantly feel calm again and my hands relax – I had them cramped up around my body.

I don't say anything at first – him neither. Instead, I just watch him through the steamed-up glass of the shower as he closes the door behind him... locking it up.

I can't take it any longer – I have to talk. "What are you doing here?", I ask calmly, even if I might have an assumption.

Clay doesn't answer immediately. Instead, I watch him take off his clothes – Nothing else audible than the water pouring.

He takes off his shirt, arms going over his head as he does. I see him look towards me as he pulls off the other clothes, off his body. I stare. I can't help it.

Only when he's not wearing anything at all, just like me, and he's coming closer to the shower I'm in, he answers. "You know what I'm doing", he says, pulling open the door.

My breath kind of hitches as I see his face fully now – without the steamy glass between us. And not only his face. His whole body.

"No, I don't."

Yes, I do.

Clay grins as he enters the shower completely, shutting the glass door behind him, not leaving me out of his sight for one second.

It feels like his eyes on my skin are more dominant than the water.

"I told you I still want that shower sex", Clay smirks and I now do too.

It takes me second to answer. "Yeah, you said that", I then mumble back.

I watch Clay as he takes a step closer to me – his skin now also getting a bit wet from the running showerhead.

Oh fuck, why the heck does he have to look so fucking good.

"And you wanted it too", Clay mutters. He's not touching me... yet. And I seriously don't know if I want him to – knowing that I would crumble so freaking fast if he did.

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