chapter thirty-seven

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23rd of January

'just arrived'

'only had to sit for four hours in the train next to a guy who smelled like weed'


'well, not that'

'the first thing'


'my roommate is already stressing me out'

'I'm gonna get groceries now'

'do that'

24th of January

'how's the first day back on campus?'


'it's actually feeling great to have a purpose in life again'

'u know I'm feeling useful'

'hey you're always useful'

'mostly at sucking my dick'

'you're very useful with that'

'just because you can't do it yourself'

'if you could do it yourself I wouldn't matter to u'

'oh shit u figured it out'

'I know I'm smart'

'that's why im at college and you're not.'

'who's making millions?'

'suck my dick'

'nah that's your job'

25th of January

'wanna know something??'


'Patches just bit Nick"

'as she should'

'I still don't like her, but now I owe her'

'why did I even think for a second that you would be empathetic?'

'you're cruel'

'btw George said he wanted to talk to u before'

'I know'

'we did'

'what about?'

'not gonna tell you'




'you shall always live in uncertainty'

'oh, come on'

27th of January

'my roommate just brought over some of his friends and they are loud'

'they bother me'

'and what am I supposed to do about that?'


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