chapter thirty-six (smut)

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"I'm gonna miss that. How your body moves when you cum because of me. It's perfect."

My breath would shiver if I'd have one right now.

I stare at the lips that just formed these words.

I don't stop staring at them even as Clay gets back to standing fully again – my eyes moving with him as he does.

I don't give Clay an answer. I don't know if I should or if this is even something you could give an answer to – but I wouldn't even know what I could say anyway.

My eyes are still on him – now looking upwards again. I know, I must look like a mess; sweaty, red..., maybe Clay can even see how disorientated I am right now.

I might be able to stand on my own again, but my legs still feel totally wobbly.

I'm feeling myself take some breaths as Clay's eyes leave mine. I don't really realize where they are going, but as I feel some water hitting my skin directly, I know that he grabbed the showerhead, letting the water pour over me.

I shiver, not because of the temperature of the water (it's warm anyway), but from Clay's hand on my body, holding me gently as he starts to run the water over my shoulders at first, then over my cleavage – soothing my body.

I don't know where to look. I can't look at Clay's face as he's washing me. I don't know why, but I can't. But I also don't feel like I am allowed to look somewhere else.

That's also why I feel relieved at first as Clay's hand on my body turns me. I follow the light push on my hip until I face the other side of the shower – Clay now behind me.

I close my eyes for some moments as the water now hits my back, drenching my hair as well. I feel like it's the first time in a while that I really understand that we're still in the shower. I breathe in deeply – the damp air feeling hot.

But my breath almost gets choked up as Clay's hand now is on my back. It starts at the top, then tracing down the fingers along my spine. They run there the same way the water does. Only slower. So damn slower.

I could count every time his fingers pass a rib.

It's his breath on my skin, that makes me realize Clay's close to me again – even if nothing else than his fingers is touching me, I know he's closer than before.

We don't talk. I'm glad that we don't talk. I know that sometimes I say too much... but in situation like these, I know it's just right to say nothing. And I'm just so relieved that Clay thinks so too.

Clay's hand stops just on the lower part of my back, resting there a bit. I open my eyes again, looking at the damp wall in front of me. I know that I only wanted to have my eyes shut for some seconds, but as it turns out, I wasn't able to open them until Clay's touch is off my skin again.

But just as they have left my back, his hand is back on my hip, grabbing down. I gasp out, as his body now fully touches mine, making me feel him fully against me... feeling everything.

I act instinctively and support my body with my hand pressed against the wall in front of me. I want to turn my head, wanting to see Clay's face in order to be able to understand what's happening right now, but I don't even come that far as I feel the water coming out of the showerhead, going to the front of my body.

I want to say something, but nothing leaves my mouth as the showerhead moves lower, now hitting my thighs.

As I finally realize what exactly is going on, it is already too late. Clay moves his hand from my hip to my pussy – then he moves the showerhead.

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