chapter fourteen

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"Do I have sex hair?", I ask, walking out the bathroom door with Clay following me.

He closes the door behind us as we start going to the others, meaning outside to watch the fireworks for the new year. "Yeah, you do... and it looks good", Clay hums happily and I snort, trying to fix my hair at least a little bit.

We walk through the hallway. My legs are kind of wobbly, and I concentrate to not fall over. Still, I make it, even though I once had to latch myself onto Clay's arm. We return to the party room with no one left except a couple making out on the couch.

I ignore them and turn myself around facing Clay. "The others are probably all outside", I say, nodding towards the door.

"Yeah, except these guys", Clay grins, referring towards the two people that we hear clearly kissing and moaning. "I mean, who would hook up with a girl right now instead of watching the fireworks, really..."

I snort and roll my eyes and then drag Clay behind me through the door, outside into the chilly air.

I honestly can't believe it right now. My body is still in a rush, filling me up with serotonin – it feels like I could do anything right now. Anything I want. I could just turn right now and pull Clay in for a kiss, not caring if everyone would stare at us.

But I don't. It's simple like that. Of course, I don't.

Instead, I just take the stairs down to the lawn, already glaring up into the gleaming sky, filled with all sorts and colors of fireworks. I just can imagine it, but I feel like a fricking goddess taking the stairs with my dress on and the lightening background with everyone staring at me.

Just that no one is staring at me.

No – seriously. All people that are downstairs are huddled up in a circle, their heads lurking into the middle of it.

My brows furrow as I take the last steps of the stairs. I hear Clay behind me. "What the- What's going on there?", he says, sounding confused.

I don't answer as I stare at the crowd of people. I see some un-lit fireworks next to them, but nobody seems to care about that right now. All they do is stand there.

My walk gets faster, trying to reach these people to find out what's there to look at as I hear the muffled voices, sounding... nervous? Worried?

I get to the back of the circle, pushing my arm through some people standing on the outer line. "What's going on?", I ask, but don't get any answer.

So I keep pushing myself more forward, shoulders hitting other people. Then I see it.

"Fuck. KARA!", I scream out, hitting the last persons standing in my way to the side and sink down on my knees to my best friend laying there in the middle. Unconscious.

I panic as I look at her motionless body, eyes closed with a spilled drink on her side. "Kara?!", I yell out, trying to get her attention by grabbing her head, shaking. But it doesn't work. She's blacked out. Right? Right?!

I press my head on the ground, letting her breathe on my ear. Breathe... she breathes. She breathes, right?

My heart races, looking at Kara like that, but I react, pressing my fingers on her wrist. I try to find her pulse, but at the same time having to regulate my own. I concentrate on my fingers on her artery until they finally feel the thing I searched. I gasp, out of relief that she has a working pulse. But that only makes my rage boiling up inside me stronger.

"What happened?!", I screech out, up into the crowd, heads still towering above Kara and now also me. "Why did nobody help her?!"

I stare up into the eyes, but I just hear whispers – no answer. Not one person is talking.

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