chapter thirteen (smut)

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"Where are we going?"

I'm out of breath. Clay just took my hand and is now dragging me through a crowd of people. I don't know where he wants to go, but I follow him anyway.

"Clay!", I laugh as we leave the main spot of the party and go deeper into the house – away from the lights and the people.

We enter a small hallway. Clay doesn't even let go of my hand as he starts to open every door there is, only to have a quick look into it and then moving on.

Finally, we stop in front of one door he just opened. Clay enters and I follow. But I stop the second I realize where we are.

"What?", Clay asks, now letting go of my hand and looking at me.

"That's... That's Evan's bedroom... We can't just...", I try to explain myself.

Clay chuckles. "You rather wanna do it in his parents' bed, or what?"

"What? No!", I say, half whispering, half screaming. "But I won't be able to look Evan in his eyes after I fucked on his bed!"

Clay snorts but exits the room again, closing the door behind us.

He only takes a few more steps to the other side of the hallway and opens the door there, taking a look at it.

"What about that?", he then asks, head turned back towards me.

I raise my eyebrows and step closer to Clay to have my own look.

It's a bathroom.

My eyes widen in surprise and I stare up to Clay. "We can't fuck in their bathroom!", I scream.

"Why not?", Clay laughs, leaning against the door frame.

I open my mouth to protest and deliver counterarguments, but I can't really find any. I mean, why not?

Clay seems to notice my lack of words and grins at me. "You see?", he says, smirking. "And what was your New Year's resolution again?"

I roll my eyes, but giggle. "Becoming more spontaneous", I admit, repeating my own words.

"Exactly", Clay whispers smiling and now pulls me closer to him by placing his hands on my hips. But he stops his own movements and searches my eyes at first. "So, you're okay with that?", he asks, watching my face – his face really serious right now.

I place both my hands around his neck and my lips start forming a grin. "Yeah", I say, keeping the eye contact between us. "I'm all okay with that." I nod to give my words more expression.

Clay waits a second longer to make sure I'm telling the truth and then reduces the distance between our faces, them now only being inches away from each other.

I get on my tiptoes to close the remaining space between us, but Clay's head goes back, not letting me kiss him.

I open my mouth and look up in Clay's smirking face, amused. "Clay!", I protest. "Don't let me jus-"

But my words get stopped by Clay pressing his lips on mine, making me immediately melt away under him.

How can someone do something like that to me that quick?!

I press myself harder against Clay as his grip on my hips strengthens. I feel how he starts to play with the fabric of my dress, picking on it.

My breath shivers as we part for a moment, both catching for air. He hums in pleasure, searching my eyes between our kiss. "You've known exactly what you would do to me by putting that dress on today", he murmurs, pressing his lips on mine again.

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