chapter seventeen (smut)

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I shiver. I didn't even know my body could shiver like this.

"I'm talking about fucking you", Clay says grinning as if I needed an explanation.

I can't help but to let out a big laugh. "Yeah, that I got." I grin, still embraced by his hand around my waist and now the other one slowly coming up to cup my cheek.

I feel his hot breath on my face. It smells like fresh mint, giving me the same vibes as his green eyes. God, I could lose myself in them.

Clay must have noticed my (probably way too) intense stare. I notice a light grin on his lips, giving him a dimple on the left side of his face. But I only get to see it for a second as he already lowers his head again and gives me a kiss on my lips.

I expected it to be hungrier, like the one before, but it's a simple kiss. It's soft, light. I melt away underneath Clay, bringing my hands up to his shoulders to try to close the little space left between our upper bodies.

Still, the kiss is simple. Too simple. But I want more. I need more.

But Clay doesn't seem to mind it. His lips are barely on mine, mostly only brushing them.

Guess I need to take matters into my own hands.

I get on my tiptoes in order to get our faces closer and press myself into the kiss, deepening it. At first, I seem to get what I want; Clay's grip around my face gets more intense and he gives me back the energy I wanted, but then I feel it – his lips on mine form into a grin until they disappear from them.

I pout, getting back onto my whole feet and I look up into a now grinning face.

"What?", I ask – almost demand an answer.

Clay chuckles. "You've been thinking about it, haven't you?", he says, eyes interlocked with mine. Then he gets closer, his words only a whisper. "You're really desperate for me, right?"

I stare at him, face heating up in record time and eyes getting bigger by the second. How can he... know?

I see his grin widen and I realize that he knows he hit the bull's-eye.

"F-Fuck off", I mumble almost inaudibly, because that's the only thing coming to my mind right now.

As I hear him chuckle, I try to back away a bit, but Clay's hand stops me and brings me even closer to him. Now his face is beside mine. My breath hitches as the warm exhale of his words hit my ear. "Don't be embarrassed... I've been thinking about it, too." His tone sends more shivers down my spine. "Every single day."

Pictures come rushing into my head, trying to imagine how exactly he's been thinking about it. The same way I did?

I let out a shuddered breath, trying to control myself. I move backwards as I want to see Clay's face again, but he holds me in place, not letting me move one inch. "Wanna try out these new things we talked about?", he murmurs, brushing my ear with his lips.

I just barely stop a moan escaping my mouth. This is torture. He's torturing me and that on purpose.

"Hm?", he asks me again. I can literally imagine what a cocky smile he's having right now.

I exhale and prepare for an answer, but just manage to nod.

Clay brings his head back for us to face each other. He holds eye contact with me as I'm still nodding slightly, not knowing how to stop.

"Good girl", he whispers, and my heart skips a beat.

I feel his thumb stroking my cheek again and I close my eyes and just give in into that warm feeling on my face – also because my eyes don't seem to find any rest.

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