chapter 15

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*no ones POV*

You just came home from the day. Your staff members told you they have a late birthday present for you, but it wasnt a present that you thought.

You needed to go with staff members and some expert swimmers on the sea with the boat and then go into the cage and sea sharks, and that's your biggest fear.

As you were done, the staff members apologise to you as you cried and had panic, they told you that your dad said that you would like that and they thought he was right, but he weren't.

So you are home alone now, and accidentally broke the vase of your dad that he got from his mother who sadly died because of cancer.

You start to panic and grab your phone out to call Chaeyeon, and she answered a second after.

What you dont know is that she is on vlive right now with Yuri, and she have her phone on speaker.

"Unnie, I'm so dead.." you told her, running in your room and locking the door.

"Why? What happened?" She laugh a bit, because she dont know what's going on right now and wait for your answer.

"I-I accidentally walk against the vase Appa got from grandmother.. you know that it was hers before she died because of cancer.. I'm so dead.. and dad will be home soon.. in a few minutes.." you told her scared and afraid of him already.

You hear the door downstairs close, starting to panic "Unnie.. he is here now.. please call the police when he comes in the room and shout at me or more. Dont end the call, please.. please stay with me.." you beg her "okay, I will, don't worry" she said with a calm voice, because she knows, if she panic now that she won't help you in any ways.

You put your phone on your night stand and got a book so he won't know that you and Chaeyeon are on a call.

He tried to open the door, but you locked it before.

"Yah, Seo Chaewon. Open the fucking door" he said.

You hear in his voice that he was mad and you got scared "no, you just want to hurt me" you told him.

He bang into the room and you panic even more, knowing he is in your room now.

"You fucking bitch broke the vase from my mom" he walk to your direction and you stood up to be around your bed.

"T-That was an accident. And you, little shit, told my company my fear. I almost died in this cage under water. Do you think it's funny?" You shout at him.

His laugh was evil and he walk to you. You run around your bed so he won't get you now "that what I wanted. I wanted you to die in this cage. That you drown, like you almost did when we lived in america" he shout at you too.

You almost cried at his words and walk around the bed still "why do you hate me so much? I never did something wrong to you" you ask him and run over the bed so he isnt really near you anymore, but he did the same and catched you.

He punched you hard so you lie on the ground.

"You're just a mistake. No one will ever love you. I wish you have just drowned in the ocean at the age of 5" he shout it in your face, sitting on your stomach so you cant run away.

"I have thousands of people that love me. My members love me, Eomma and mommy loves me, my siblings. Why cant you just let me be happy? What's so wrong about it" you ask him.

"They love you for your fame, bitch. When you die, you can live your life happily. And after that, I kill your girlfriend too" he said and punch your face more than just once.

Mixnine ( Shin Ryujin x G!P Seo Chaewon( fem reader))Where stories live. Discover now