chapter 53

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You brought your mother and Soojin to your own house to give them some space and so they can sleep.

Moonbyul was with you the time, and now help you out the car that is infront of Chaeyeon's dorm.

"Unnie, I can do it all by myself!" You told her.

"Chaewon, you just got stitched! Let me fucking help you to the door" she told you, and wanted to hold you, but you yanked her hands away and start to limp to the door.

It was hard for you to go up this little stair, so Moonbyul help you and you sigh out.

"Unnie, please don't belittle me now because of the stabs and everything. I'm fine, I can do it myself" you said in a quieter tone.

"I will help you, I don't care if you want it or not" she said.

You ring the doorbell and it got open soon by Ryujin. She start to cry and hug you tightly. You start to groan loudly because of the sharp pain on your stomach and shoulder.

You feel that blood slowly roll down your arm and then your hand, where it drip down on the floor.

You put your right hand on the shoulder and see that its bleeding again.

"Cool, the nurses didnt do their job right" you said, gently pushing Ryujin in with you.

Moonbyul went in too, seeing that you make a little blood trail on the floor.

"Chaewon" she call you and you didnt turn around "I know, Unnie. I will treat it" you said and slowly start to walk up the stairs the best you can, what maybe wasng good for your stitch that you just got, so you walk back down and look at Chaeyeon "Unnie, can you get me needle and thread with some alcohol?" You ask her, slowly taking off your jacket and put it to the side.

Then they see the cuts of your sweatshirt and your gun waist band, what makes them see your tiny waist.

"Its better that we go to the ho-" you look at Moonbyul "be quiet. I wouldve come out there alone too. I said I don't want someone be there except me" you told her.

"If i wasnt there you would have died and suffocate on your own blood, you bastard. Be happy for once that someone was there" she said.

"I wouldn't" you said "you would. You didnt even notice that you still had his knife stabbed in your back. You was bleeding out of your mouth, even your teeth and lips are still full of blood because of it. So shut up now before I punch you" she said madly at you.

"Then let me do my things now. You can leave, Unnie. I never said that I need your help" you told her, taking the needle and thread from Chaeyeon and start to rip your sweatshirt on your shoulder, seeing that the stitch just opened.

"You can be happy that we're friends, Chaewon. Or you wouldve been bleeding out your mouth again" Moonbyul said, leaving the house and close the door with a slam.

Ryujin didnt like the way you was talking to Moonbyul, how stubborn and disrespectful you just were, she don't know you like this.

"Baby, don't be so disrespectful to her. She literally saved your life" Ryujin said.

You didnt answer her, and just start to make yourself a stitch on the shoulder, what was hurting really bad.

"Lee Chaewon, I'm talking to you" your girlfriend says, bending down and look at you.


Ryujin couldnt believe you, that you give her such a cold answer and she was about to slap you, because you're so disrespectful.

Mixnine ( Shin Ryujin x G!P Seo Chaewon( fem reader))Where stories live. Discover now