chapter 35

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This week has passed by fastly, Hajun is still a little bit ill, but it's better than before. Its morning and Hajun was standing in his crib, waiting till you or Ryujin wake up to do something with him.

But he also couldn't wait any longer so he called for you "mommy".

You open one eye, Ryujin was lying in your arms. You turn to lie on your back and look at Hajun "yes?" You ask tired.

"Out bed" he said and jump a bit around ti get your attention more. You get Ryujin gently out of your embrace and walk to Hajun.

"Why are you already awake, baby?" You ask him, pulling him out of his crib and hold him in your embrace.

"Book" he said, kinda hyperactive and is kissing your cheek multiple times.

"Okay, baby. You love mommy that much?" You ask and he nod "mommy, mama and noona, love so much" he said, spreading his arms to show you how much he loves you and the others.

"My babyboy is sooo cute" you said and kiss his forehead, walking out your bedroom and close the door.

You walk into Hajun's room, sitting down on the little couch, letting him down.

He start to crawl to his little box with his toys in and got out a book and crawl back to you with a smile.

He try to stand up by himself, but you see that he struggle, so you helped him up and sit him on your lap.

Your arms are on his sides, your hands holding this book and you start to read the title first, going to the next page and read him what's standing there.

"Mommy, what's that?" He ask, pointing at the elephant "that's a elephant, baby" you told him and he look at you "elephant?" He repeated you and you nod with a smile "yes, elephant" you said.

"And this, mommy?" He point on the dinosaur that's on the next page and leaned against you, the back of his head on your chest.

You smile because he is cute "that are dinosaurs, babyboy" you told him and he nod "dinsurs cool" he said, couldn't really spell dinosaur and you smile even more.

"Yes, dinosaurs are cool" you said and he start to look at the book again.

He loves it when you or Ryujin read a book for him, or when you play sometimes, because he never can play alone or can be alone in his room, he need someone that is watching after him.

"Mommy, cold" he said and look up at you again "you're cold, my prince? Should I get you some other clothes?" You ask and he nod.

He put his arms around your neck and you got up. He then took his book while being in your arms.

"Your diapers are full too, huh. Why didnt you told me, baby?" You ask and put him on his changing table, beside it is his little wardrobe with his clothes.

"Sorry, mommy" he said and you smile "it's okay, my adorable little boy" you say and tickle him on his sides and he start to giggle loudly around.

What you didnt notice was that Ryujin was standing all the time, since you started to read a book with Hajun, on the door frame and took a little video of you and Hajun reading. Because it was just cute and that you even read a book with him without brushing your teeth or get Hajun to eat first.

You was done cleaning and dressing Hajun and was still tickling him "okay, enough, babies. Babe, brush your teeth and I get Hajun to eat, and then you wake up Minseo" she said and you turn around with Hajun in your arms now, he was pressed against your body and he was sucking and biting on the books edge.

Mixnine ( Shin Ryujin x G!P Seo Chaewon( fem reader))Where stories live. Discover now