chapter 32

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It's been a while now and you guys just made your comeback. The girls think it's sad that Minseo quited the job because she seems to be good in it and they know that they might won't see her again, because they don't know about it that you and Ryujin officially adopted her a week ago.

Its today her first day at school, at the same day as you and your group make your debut, so you and Ryujin told her that the both of you won't be home that much and that you bring Hajun to your mom.

You pack the things for Hajun right now and Minseo walked down and walk to you "can I maybe go with Hajun? I don't want to be alone here, mommy.." she said and you look at her.

"You want to get to know my mom?" You ask her and she nod "okay, let me call her" you said and grab your phone out of your pocket and dialed your moms number.

"What do you need?" She ask "woah, are you annoyed right now?" You ask your mom "yeah, kinda. Because Soojin don't want to clean her room and eat" your mom said and you chuckle "she's getting older, mommy. She isnt the baby like she was 2 years ago" you said and hear her sigh out.

"My question is, if I can get my daughter over too? She don't want to be home alone" you ask and still pack Hajun's things.

"Since when do you have a daughter?" She ask you "adopted a week ago. She is 11" you said.

"Hajun, eat now" you hear Ryujin in the dining area saying to Hajun.

"No" he said "Hajun, now" Ryujin said more strict "noo" he whine "Seo Hajun, eat your meals, its important" she said strictly again and he obeyed and open his mouth and Ryujin feed him.

"She is just 9 years younger. She could be your sister" your mom said "yeah she could, but isnt. She is my daughter and, can she come too?" You ask her again and close Hajun's bag.

"Ofcourse she can, dumb ass. Don't ask a question like this again or I will kick your ass" she said "okay, we will come over then" you said "I love you, mommy" you hear her chuckle "love you too, baby. Drive safely" your mom said "you know that I will drive safely" you said and end the call.

You put Hajun's bag on your back and walk to the dining area to look at Hajun who start to fight again to not eat his food.

"Seo Hajun, eat your food, now. Or you won't get cuddles and kisses to bed, you bad boy" you said and he pout "kisses and cuddle" he said and look at you, his lip wobble, about to cry.

"Then be a good boy and let mama feed you. Food is important, baby. Okay? Eat your food and then we go to grandma" you told him and he cried, but let Ryujin feed him.

Minseo sit on one chair and lean her head on her head and close her eyes "tired?" You ask her and she nod.

Ryujin was done feeding Hajun and stood up, holding Hajun "let's go? We need to make it fast, because we have our stage soon, baby. We will pick the both of you up after our stage" Ryujin said.

All of you leave the house, you lock the door and then walk to the car, unlocking it so they can go in.

Ryujin put Hajun in his baby seat and Minseo sit in the middle, beside Hajun. You sit down on the drivers seat and already started the engine and wait till Ryujin walk to the passenger seat.

You start to drive to your moms house and see through the mirror that Hajun just fell asleep.

You park the car infront of your moms house and walk out your car, opening the car door of Hajun and got him gently out so he won't wake up.

Minseo and Ryujin walk out too and you lock the car because you saw that Ryujin got Hajun's bag with his things on it.

You ring the doorbell and was met by your little sister.

Mixnine ( Shin Ryujin x G!P Seo Chaewon( fem reader))Where stories live. Discover now