Chapter 6 - Confrontation.

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It's Monday morning, I've barley slept since Saturday night. The closer Monday got the more nervous I seem to get, it will be the first time seeing Natasha I probably won't get to speak to her until detention. The whole school is going to know what's happened by this point. Another week of people staring and gossiping about me, I'm clearly doing really well with my plan to stay unnoticed.

Peter stayed at his girlfriends all weekend so I'm hoping I'll bump into him at some point. I've missed him being around, I tell him everything.

Mum and Dad seem to have been obsessed with me since saturday night making sure I'm ok. How am I meant to move on and forget if they are going to stress like this the whole time.

I feel terrible for not telling Steve what happened but who's going to tell him? He doesn't exactly know anyone here... it would just make him upset and jealous.

Something to look forward to this week is my best friend Carol is back, I can't wait to facetime her and tell her everything that's happened while she's been gone.

I've only been in school for 20 minuets and already I'm over today. Me and Wanda meet outside English waiting for the class to start.

"Good weekend?" she asks joining me at the back of the queue.

I just stare at her and raise my eyebrow.

"Not great huh"

"I'm so tired Wanda you have no idea."

"Did you end up telling Steve?"

"Of course I didn't, he would freak out" I state


"What? your being weird..."

"Did you get a message this morning?"

"No, from who?" I'm getting a bit concerned now.

"Off anyone...There's videos of you and Natasha, everyone received one this morning." She whispers as Natasha is near the front of the line laughing away with Thor Junior all over her.

"That's why I'm getting a lot more looks than I thought I would be. How bad is it?" I put my hands up to cover my face

"It' look amazing in it. They really got your good side."

"Wanda!" I hiss.

"It's bad...every single year has received it."

"Oh god. Show it me..." I plead Wanda pulls out her phone just as Mrs Potts beckons us into the room.

"I'll send it you..." she whispers as we make our way in.

Sitting next to Natasha, her perfume hits me. It smells like candy.

"Hey" She whispers to me Mrs Potts is talking at the front of the class.

"Hi" I reply just as quiet I fidget in my chair slightly.

*Bing* My eyes go wide.

"Oh fuck" I say under my breath Wanda spins in her chair to look at me from a few rows in front. "I'm sorry" she mouths to me. It's not her fault, I should have put my stupid phone on silent.

"Who's phone was that?" Mrs Potts asks looking around. Mrs Potts made it very clear that if she hears a phone in her lesson, she will read or show the entire class.

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now