Chapter 27 - Starting over.

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I'm there, stood in the class room, everyone's eyes burning into my back, Mr Laufeyson's voice is muffled not hearing what he's saying before I take off running, sprinting full speed after her. I run down the corridor feeling like I'm chasing after her silhouette. I keep screaming out her name begging and pleading with her to stop to wait for me.


She flies around another corner.

Why is she so fast?

"NATASHA PLEASE!" I bellow out once more, I sprint after her seeing her run through the doors to the outside of the school, the sun blinding me for a second as I crash through them shortly after the red head. Her back is to me while she struggles to get her keys out giving me chance to catch up to her, grabbing her arm I spin her round to face me, panting for air.

"I can't do this Y/n. Let go of me." she tuggs her arm out of my grasp.

"Natasha, I didn't know he was going to do that. I-"

"I don't care! Your little boyfriend is back, go play happy little families with him!" She shouts at me, her eyes burning red.

"No! You're not listening to me!" placing both of my hand on either side of her face.

"I'm done listening to you Y/n." She tries to pull away but I pull our bodies together pushing us back until she hits the cold metal of her car becoming sandwiched between us.

"I- Natasha I want you." I confess feeling the tears pour down my face mimicking her. "I need you." I pull her into a kiss, it is wet and messy but her hands grab onto me pulling me closer without a care in the world.

"I. Want. You." I repeat onto her lips.

"Then why did you say yes to him?" she whimpers

"I...he put me on the spot." I shake my head "I'm so sorry, I didn't want to hurt you." I connect our lips once more.


"I know." I smile into another kiss "I love you too, Natasha. I'm sorry." I whisper.

She releases a breath but the smile that grows on her face could light the world forever "You do?"

"Yes, I love you Natasha." I say proudly.

"I love you too Y/n."

*Music begins to play*

I lean back looking around wondering where the sound is coming from, I frown looking to face Natasha who is no longer in my arms.

"Natasha?" I panic "Natasha where are you?" I call out.

My eyes fly open making me jolt up, my cheeks stained. The music still blaring into my room, I lean over swiping my phone off sitting up in my bed I realise it was another dream. I huff the dread filling my chest as I remember what actually happened that day.

Crawling out of bed grabbing my diary out of its hidden spot, I plop in the chair at my desk opening it up. I need to get this out...

These entire two weeks have been hell since Steve has arrived. The moment he did that huge display at lunch I knew things were going to be...well weird to say the least. This is the first moment I've actually had chance to be alone except when I'm in the shower and even then he tries to get involved in that. The only reason I have this saturday to myself is because he is at an extra football practice so the whole team is hanging out in preparation for the first game of the season.

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