Chapter 1- The new beginning.

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Here's where it all starts...

I would say I'm excited although to be quite Frank I'm petrified. Everything I built, everyone I knew...gone.
They keep telling me it's a new exciting chapter; re-build , create a new you but what if I liked the old me?
I loved my life before, it had it's ups and downs like all things do nevertheless it was mine before it got broken and forcibly taken away from me.

I'll never be the same person I was.

"Y/N! Come on, you're going to be late for your first day." Is yelled by my mums hollowing voice followed by a few bangs on my thick wooden door that feels like it shakes my entire room. "You to Peter!"

Letting out a sigh I close my diary, leaning back in my chair and I compose myself "I'm coming now" dragging my feet I opens my door, as another across the hallway swings open.

"I'm coming now" Peter mimicks in a high pitch annoying noise.

"Fuck off Peter..." I side smile to my younger brother, he's only one year younger but that's not the point he's still the baby of the family and he's only pissed because I got the biggest room in our house move. He will only be sour for a few days.

Making our way downstairs, which takes awhile as me and Peter are pushing each other on the stairs trying to trip each other over while laughing, we see dad is rushing round trying to find something.

"It's in your office dear" mums voice making him stop in his tracks "of course it is" he mutters, turning around frowning until he takes off in the opposite direction. We're all still trying to get used to this massive....I would say house but it's more of a mansion.

Sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast, well more moving food around in the bowl, my dad struts in with a big "ah ha" lifting his suit case above his head as if he was holding a trophy receiving a giggle from my mum. They are so in love, teenage sweethearts, love to be inspired by.

"Have an amazing first day at work, my love" she beams making her way to him as he wraps her in his arms, spinning them around giving her an exaggerated over the top noisy kiss which gets a unison "Eww" from me and Peter. Planting mum back down he makes his way to me and kisses my head and ruffles Peters thick brown hair which Peter tries to evade.
"You two behave today" he raises his eyebrow mainly looking at Peter "and make good impressions" in a stern voice he smiles at me and whispers "your going to be fine hunny, just be you.."

Another reason for the move Dad got a promotion; managing partner at a law firm. This came with a much bigger salary and a reason to move from the drama...

Before walking out the door, I look at myself in the mirror located in the hallway taking it all in. I'm wearing a black blazer with Maple Heights Academy scrolled across the left breast pocket, black skin tight trousers and a black with red tie. I take a deep breath preparing myself for what today would hold.

"Yep, still ugly..." Pete chirps in all cocky as he strides passed looking at me in the mirror.

"You're a dick!" I laugh while shaking my head following him out to the driver waiting in a black Mercedes to take us our new hell.

In the car ride we sat in the back, me and Peter didn't say a word, just the sound of the engine and traffic filling the void he was staring out the window with his leg constantly shaking up and down, He must be nervous too which is understandable.

The entrance of the building became visible it was a huge, modern all glass front building with brick steps leading up to front siding glass doors.
Students were already scurrying passed the side walks floating in and out of the building meeting up with their friends groups, chattering away.

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now