Chapter 25: Through someone elses eyes.

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A/N: You all asked for this, I couldn't think of a better time to add it in. So here you go a chapter from Natasha's Point Of View, I'm declaring now, this whole chapter could be triggering so this is your warning!


Natashas POV.


Suddenly I'm left staring at the closed door in front of me, tears streaming down my face as I listen to her weeping in pain on the other side, her screams will never leave me. How she pleads, begging for all of this not to be happening all because I opened my mouth.
Leaning my head forward it gently thuds against the door, I crush my eyes together trying to stop the flow that keeps coming.

Her war cry getting louder as I listen, her voice cracking as it weeps through the thick wooden door. I thought I knew pain, I thought I felt it all, seen it all but I have never heard such a soul destroying sound, the pain pouring out of someone like the walls on the damn crumbling into dust and an entire world being flooded with unspoken trauma.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper knowing it couldn't change a single thing.

A hand placed on my shoulder makes me flitch away snapping my eyes to the offender. "Hey, it's just me you're ok."

My eyes lock with TJs soft blues, I shake my head slamming myself into his chest as I clutch at him. His arms completely engulf me muffling the sounds of her screams, "I've got you" he repeats, kissing the top of my head.

"Come on, we can't stay here." He loosens his grip on me, keeping me tucked under one of his arms he guides us to his car, opening the door I unwilling break away and clumber in my head dropping back on the seat as I look up at the house.
He gets in, bringing the engine to life, the placement of his hand on my leg draws my attention back to him "Do you want to come back to mine or do you want me to take you home?" his features are soft and concerned.

"Yours. I can't deal with him right now." I confess, knowing he would read between the lines. He smiles, nodding as he sets off.


I'm sat on the sofa in Thors front room, the house looks like it's been hit by a bomb after the party. The ground beneath sticky with spilled drinks, red cups scattered across every surface, pieces of random clothes spotted around even on the light fitting above my head.
I took my legs up to my chest and just stare into nothingness, my eyes still burning my tears as I replay the previous scene over and over again occasionally being pulled out of my thoughts when I hear Thors cleaners shake a bag or spay a surface down.

"Here you go." TJ appears plopping down next to me two hot coffees in his hands, placing one in my hands he leans back cupping his cup he blows it and takes a sip humming at the taste.
"I don't know what was crazier, last night or this morning." He shakes his head.

"Hmm." I nod.

He tilts his head and smiles at me gracefully "How are you doing?" he's clearly trying to hide his concern.

Taking a small sip of the steaming drink in my hands, I just shrug my shoulders.

Biting his bottom lip his head bounces. That's the good thing about TJ, we've been together so long I don't really need to say anything because he already knows.
He's not the smartest but he cares, he loves with everything he has and he will wholehearted protect the people he loves without any form of hesitation like he's some sort of protector for the world. He may not be able to protect them all but he has saved me more times than I can count. I owe him, he deserves so much more than this, than me. Yeah sure he flirts with others but he wouldn't go there, not really, he's as loyal as a puppy.

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