Chapter 7- Class Project

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Last night was so needed. Me and Peter ended up ordering pizza and watching a movie, I've missed hanging out with him. We spoke a lot about his girlfriend, her name is Mary Jane  (He calls her MJ), she sounds lovely but apparently the fight story got back to her and she's rather nervous about meeting me now.

I haven't told anyone what happened at detention yesterday. I've been thinking about it, how she tasted, her lips everything. The longer I dwell on it the more I know it can't happen ever again, I was so close to not stopping, so close to giving in, to letting her in. The moment I kissed her back everything in me ignited, I've never felt anything like it, my skin was on fire. I feel so conflicted Steve deserves better.

After writing in my diary I begin to get ready for the day, it's nice and hot in LA like always. Getting my uniform on I make my way to my mirror to do my hair and put on a light amount of make up when I notice a huge angry bruise's formed all over the right side of my neck.

"Oh my god" pulling my collar down I take in the full size of it. "How the hell am I meant to hide that? Fuck."  All the panic kicks in, did Peter see this last night? Why didn't he say anything? Make up isn't gong to hide this.


"Why are you wearing a scarf in this weather?" Val asks as she approaches me.

"Don't ask" I shake my head.

"You know it's hot today right?" She sounds concerned

I'm melting in this heat "of course I do, I just fancied a change was all" I tell her.

"Ok, I'll drop it... " she squints her eyes at me trying to figure it out.

I spend most of the day getting weird looks, if one more person asks why I am wearing this goddamn scarf I'm just going to break.

When lunch time finally crawls around I have no idea what to expect, making my way down one of the corridors I spot Natasha who is strutting towards me like she's on a mission, she grabs my arm pulling me into the closest bathroom. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I pull my arm out of her grasp.

"Everyone out now." Natasha loudly states to the full bathroom, everyone begins to scurry out, I look apologetically at them.
I being to walk towards the door "Not you!" she pulls me back again, locking the bathroom door as the last person wonders out, dropping her bag to the floor.

"What the hell Natasha?"

"Why do you look like that?"

Frowning "like what?" I reply

"Like your ready for some sort of blizzard on a stupidly hot day... you look like an idiot" She tugs at my scarf

"This is your fault!" I proclaim.

"Firstly how is this my fault? I would never recommend that ugly ass scarf or even be seen dead in it. Secondly, take it off it's embarrassing me."

"How is it embarrassing for you exactly?"

"Oh please, I have basically made you one of the most popular girls in school along side me. You turning up looking like a weirdo makes me look bad. So take it off..." she pulls harder at my scarf this time, which pulls my body closer to hers.

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