Chapter 24: Storytime

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"So what happened?"

"I-I don't know it all just happened so fast."

"Y/n just start from the begining...

I shake my head, trapping my bottom lip in my teeth to stop the tears.

"Breath Y/n, breath for me." their hand cupping my cheek.

"I can't fix this, it's happening all over again."

"What's happening again? and have you even tried to fix what ever happened?"

A pathetic "no" escapes my mouth. "I've tried before, it didn't work then it will not work now."

"Tell me what happened on Saturday after the party."

"You already know what's happened"

"No, I know up to the moment Steve turned up, that's when everything turned to shit right? So start from there."

I take a deep breath and begin.

48 hours earlier.



I automatically go to close the door but he bounces it open with his arm forcing me to step back.

"You need to leave." I warn.

Stepping closer to me "Not until I get a chance to speak to you."

I put my hand up, my hand stopping him at his chest "I don't want to do this right now."

He puts his hand on top of mine "I was a dick last night, I know I was but you've got to hear me out."

"She doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to." Natasha's voice is heard as she steps down behind me, she places her hand on my wrist gently pulling it out of Steves hand letting it fall to my side and she stays behind me, her other hand on my waist.

"Why are you still here?" the anger on his face grows as his voice gets low.

"She doesn't want to do this right now Steve, I think you should go." Natashas voice is calm as she speaks over my shoulder.

"How about you stay out of our relationship and you go, you're the reason for this whole mess anyway." he tilts his head to her.

"You crossed the line last night and you're crossing one right now, so leave." a bit more authority hits her voice, her hand squeezes my waist once more.

"I'm here to talk to MY girlfriend, so why don't you shut up and mind your own business Natasha."

I put my hand up to stop Natashas response "I can talk for myself." I look over my shoulder to her, we share a little nod.
"Steve, I'm not in the mood to talk to you after how you acted last night. I need sometime, please give it me." I plead.

"I came here for you and you don't even want to hear me out?"

I clench my jaw knowing this was going to be thrown in my face at some point "I do, I really do but I can't not right now."

"Why because of her?" he spits in Nats direction.

"She has nothing to do with this." I state

"Really? Because I have a feeling she has everything to do with this. She keeps butting her nose in where it isn't wanted!" He raises his voice.

"Is everything ok in here?" my dad chimes in.

"Yes" Natasha and I answer at the same time as Steve throws out a "No."

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now