Chapter 23: To wake with you.

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Did I just hear my name? 


The feeling of someone squeezing my hand brings me round to consciousness, my eyes fly open, I look around trying to figure our where I am for a second.


Trying to figure out where the sound is coming from in the dimly lit room until the voice speaks again.

"Up here, y/n what are you doing on the floor?"

Jumping a little I look up confused for a second "You-" I yawn sitting up more. "You fell asleep holding my hand and you asked me to stay."

The sleepy voice laughs lightly "That doesn't explain why you are on the floor..."

"You were drunk Nat" pointing out the obvious.


"So, I didn't want to share the bed with you without you being sober enough to consent. I want you to be comfortable and safe." I smile up at her.

She laughs "What time is it?"

I grab my phone with my free hand lighting it up, turning away from the blinding light "6am" I grumble "Meaning it is way to early to be up, go back to sleep."

"I agree" she pulls at my hand "Get in this bed with me so we can both sleep, you're not staying on the floor."

"Are you sure?"

She sits up in the bed helping me to my feet "Yes, of course I'm sure you must be frozen."

"I'm not that cold but my butt is numb" I laugh

"You're still in your dress?" then she looks down at herself seeing the clothes I threw on to her last night, She opens her mouth to speak.

"I couldn't take mine off, you had some kind of death grip on my hand. But you took your own off, I just dressed you to keep you warm." I smile.

"Thank you, turn around." she kneels up in the bed as I flip my hair out of the way feeling the zip go all the way down, I do a little wiggle before it hits the floor leaving me just in my underwear.

"Thanks" I go to walk away but she grabs my hand again pulling me back

"Where are you going now?"

Pointing towards the chest of draws "To get some clothes."

Shaking her head gently at me "You don't need them, I promise to keep you warm"

My mouth open and closes fighting some sort of internal battle for a second.

She lightly tugs at my hand "It's nice and warm in here... you're really missing out." a cheeky smirk appearing on her face "In fact it might be a little too hot in here" She lets go of my hand and pulls her shirt off throwing it into the darkness of the room "Now you're not the only one in her underwear" before shuffling back patting the free spot in front of her.

"Fine, move up." I laugh crawling into the bed. She lifts my left arm up over her and places her head on my chest, placing one of her legs between mine and sliding her hand across my abdomen, being a true Koala bear.

"Your heart is beating so fast right now." she chuckles. 

I hum in response.

"Is everything ok?"

I place my hand on her knee "maybe we can move this down a little" pushing it gently lower.

"Oh of course" she giggles "We wouldn't want a repeat of the last time we fell asleep in this bed"

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now