Chapter 31 - Game day Part 2.

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Continues straight on from the last one

Natasha POV:

"I have to tell Thor I'm sleeping with Wanda before Steve does." I hiss back at the group of girls behind me before I take of running down the corridor, I'm trying to operate my phone while running looking for TJ's number in my contact list.

"Answer the phone, answer the phone." I puff out as I take off around another corner letting it ring out.

"Natasha?" He deep voice suddenly stops me in my tracks.

"Fuck Thor." I pant out.

"Wow, you ok?"

"I need to talk to you right now." I breathlessly breath out.

"I was just about t-"

"No Thor, right now! Meet me in the carpark, oh and do not talk to Steve." I order making a U-turn heading towards the exit.

"Ok, ok I'm coming." I hear his chair scrape in the background "Oh, Steves just walked in-"

"DO NOT TALK TO HIM!" I panic.

"Natasha I heard you, I'm going out the back way I won't talk to him. I'll meet you at your car. " He reassures me.

I know its only been a few moments but it feels like hours, I'm stood leaning on my door fidgeting with my fingers looking around until I see his dirty blonde hair appear in the distance I let out a sigh of relief.

He walks up to me smiling "Hey" without missing a beat he tilts his head examining me "What's up?"

"We've fucked up." I confess as he wraps his arms around me engulfing me into his chest, I clutch as his top.

"It's ok." he kisses the top of my head before pulling away slightly "Do you want to talk out here or do you want to sit in your car?"

I mumble 'car' before we break away from each other and climb in, on instinct I put my hands on the steering wheel dropping my head back into the headrest. I feel him tilt in his seat towards me before his hand goes onto mine and pulls it away from the steering wheel.

"What's happened?" His voice is soft and welcoming.

"It all happened so fast..." I shake my head and look at him.

"Start from the begining."

"He nearly caught us and fuck. Then Carol said we all need to talk and he turned up again screaming and now it's a thousand times worse, I'm not sure I can do this. I can't pretend to be with her." I reel out.

His eyes go wide. "Right I'm usually really good with filling in the gaps with your girl talk but I have no idea what you are on about. I feel like you missed out some key information there..." He laughs "Natasha start from the beginning and tell me the me full situation"

"I'm now apparently with Wanda, sleeping with her specifically." I jolt my head and put my hands up in the air "Oh and we have an open relationship and you're totally cool with all of this." I ramble out

He eyebrow bounce up at my confession, he opens and closes his mouth for a moment trying to figure it all out "Wait I thought you and- "


"But now your with Wanda?"

"No" I frown "I mean, yes kind of?" I question "This is so fucking messy." I feel my emotions building up and tears threatening to break out.

He tilts my face up to his leaving his hand on my cheek "Hey, hey. No tears. Tell me how this happened"

"Steve." I answer sounding more annoyed than I was meaning to.

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now