Chapter 10- Let the games begin Part 2

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I disappear after class completely avoiding Wanda I drop her a text saying I'll meet her in the lunch hall but I need to go to the bathroom first.

Locking myself in a cubicle I lean against the wall closing my eyes. I can't believe I got confident enough to touch her up under the table like that, maybe that was too far. How does she bring this out in me?

Composing myself I make my way to the hall and see Val, Wanda and Bucky all sitting around listening to Wanda.

"And then she tells her to go and sit down, honestly I thought Natasha was about to start fighting but she didn't! She just smiles at y/n and walks into the class without saying a word..." Wanda is filling them in on the drama from before.

I clear my throat making my presence known.

This is the first time Bucky has see me today "Shit guys you really wasn't joking..."

Sitting down in the free seat next to Wanda "What you on about?" I ask

"They said you were dressed up to the look amazing y/n" He genuinely compliments me.

He is the first guy all day to not sound creepy "Thanks Bucky, I really tried." I laugh.

"Wanda was just filling us in on what happened" Val pipes up

"I could tell" I side eye Wanda jokingly.

"Where the hell did that come from?" Wanda asks "I have never seen Natasha react like that she was completely floored." Wanda's voice is full of excitement.

"Damn I wish we could of seen that" Bucky adds.

"It was nothing." I play down.

"Nothing?" Wanda shouts a little louder than any of us expected. "You literally put the Ice queen in her place and you live to talk about it."

I roll my eyes at Wanda playfully "Come on it's not that big of a deal"

"No y/n she's right. If anyone else would of done what you did she would make their life hell at this school." Valkyrie states leaning over the table.

"If you haven't noticed she's already been doing that..." I reply.

"We need you to explain everything because none of it makes sense" Val declares

"Teach us your ways wise one" We all laugh at what Bucky says.

I think for a second knowing they are all waiting for me to respond "She's not going to stop...I have no choice but to play her at her own games. She's going to keep pushing me so the only way I thought I could have some, I don't know, control over the situation I guess is to do the same to her."  I look at there reactions, honestly not sure who I am trying to convince myself or them.

"She's using me because it gets everyone talking about her, she loves being the center of attention." I state as a matter of fact "And me, well I guess I have something to prove. I'm not a push over, I can handle her and anything she has to throw at me."

"Well just be careful y/n, I've seen her destroy people."

My phone pings I see a message from Natasha pop up on my screen.

Natasha: My turn now princess x

I read the message but don't reply right away.

"Don't worry Val, I know how to deal with people like her."  Hell I used to be people like her.

"Incoming" Bucky nods behind me.

I don't bother to turn round I have a feeling I know exactly who is walking up behind me right now.

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