Chapter 22: Play the part. Part 2

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Steve is there with his legs being held in the air, a pipe leading to his mouth while they pour whatever concoction down it.

I frown at him, Tonight is going to be a long night isn't it.

I feel a hand clutch around my arm and starts pulling me away "Come with me now."

"Yelena, what the fuck?" As I get shoved into another room with the door quickly being slammed behind me.

She puts her hand up to stop me speaking. "I'm going to ask you a question and you're going to answer it, honestly. Do you understand?"

"Is that your question?" I quip

"Don't be sassy with me Y/n."

I open my mouth to speak once more but decide against it, nodding at her previous question.

"Right good." She looks me up and down, " Is there something going on between you and Natasha?"

My mouth drops open "N-no"

"Don't fucking lie to me! I've seen it how you both are together." she shakes her head "The hand holding at lunch, the sneaking off and being late to classes, the constant soppy eyes you have between you both."

"Then why ask the fucking question if you knew the answer." I snap.

"Because, she's been upset and I am willing to make a bet that it's because of you." She steps up to me, I'm unwilling to back down "So, here's how this is going to go. You're going to tell me why you have upset my best friend and you may walk out of here with all your teeth still in your mouth."

My previous strong voice fails me and it comes out deflated "Why don't you just ask her?"

"We both know how close she holds her cards to her chest."

I let out a little laugh and break my firm stance I was previously in. "Steve." is all I can say.

She matches my pose relaxing a little "What about him?"

"He turned up, he's here. What ever the fuck was happening between us, it had to end." Tears threatening to break out once again a pained smile shows on my face as I look at the blonde in front of me "Believe it or not I really didn't want to hurt her, I didn't want to hurt anyone."

"Fuck. You really like her don't you?" Her voice is soft as she comes to the realization of the situation.

"I suppose I'll never get to find out." a lone tear breaks down my face. I straighten myself up "So, if you want to kick my ass I'm not going to stop you, I deserve it." I close my eyes waiting for the impact.

I'm quickly pulled forward, waiting for the sharp pain to appear somewhere but it never comes. I feel her warmth on my front, as my eyes shoot open to look at what is happening. "Errm Yelena?"

"Shut up, just hug me back." she snaps her arms tightening around my shoulders.

"I-right, ok." I wrap my arms around her back letting a few more stray tears fall. We stay like this for a few moments before she pulls away, using her thumbs on my face to sort out any mascara that has run.

"You tell anyone about this, I will deny it."

"What that you're actually a bit of a softie?"

She quickly thuds me in my upper arm with her fist, "Fuck, Ow!" I quickly rub the area "Fine, fine I won't tell anyone, I think you've given me a dead arm."

"Now who's soft." She laughs "Who else knows about this thing between you two?"

"Just Wanda." I confess.

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now